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    *NEXT Morning*Gerard's pov*

     The next morning I was woke up. Someone was at my door banging. I got up and went to the door. Mrs. Hife was standing there. "You have therapy in a half hour, get dressed and come downstairs."
    She then turned around and walked back down the hallway. I closed my door and looked at the art on my walls. It's beautiful Gerard. You can draw wonderfully. I got dressed and went to the living room. Mrs. Hife was sitting on the couch waiting for me. When she saw me, She stood up. She said, "Are you ready to go?"

     I shaked my head yes. She walked over and opened the front door. I stepped outside into the sun. It felt nice on my skin. She closed the door behind us and signaled for me to get in the car. I for in the back seat. She looked at me and said, "You can sit upfront. Your over 14 Gerard."

     I looked at her and shrugged my shoulders. She started the car and we left. The entire way there, it was quiet.
She probably thinks your insane Gerard. Maybe she thinks you'll hurt yourself again. I'm surprised no one knows, they haven't saw what you have under your long sleeves. The car then stopped. I looked out the window. There was a sign that said Mr. Dan and Mr. Joseph's therapy. I stepped out of the car and walked to the door. When me and Mrs. Hife walked through the door a bell chimed. We were meeted by a man. He must have been in his early 20's. "Hi my  name is  Mr. Joseph and my partners name is Mr. Dun. He is with another patient right now, but if you take a seat and full out this paperwork, then will be right with you."

   He handed me a clip board with some papers on it. It asked for my name, birth date, age, and all that blah blah stuff. I filled out the papers and handed them back to Mr. Joseph. He took them and walked into a room with his and Mr. Duns name on it. I sat down in a chair and waited for them to come back out. A couple minutes later, Mr. Joseph and someone else walked out of his office. They walked up to me and said, "Gerard  can you please follow us. Mrs. Hife can you please stay out here."

     I stood up as Mrs. Hife stayed seated. I followed them back into their office. They had one chair sat in front of their two desks.  I sat down in the one chair, while they sat down behind their desks. Mr. Dun opened up his mouth first, "So Gerard, we need to ask you some questions, is that alright?"

     I shaked my head yes. " Ok Gerard, will you Talk to us?"

     (The yes and no from Gerard is him shaking his head)


"Can you talk?"


"Do you want to talk?"


"Ok, do you want to kill yourself anymore?"

     I shrugged my shoulder at them. You know you still want to kill yourself. Don't lie Gerard.

"Ok Gerard, what do you like to do?"

     They pushed a pencil and paper in front of me.


"Ok, will you give us a minute to talk to. You can go back to Mrs. Hife now."

     I got up and walked out of the room. I walked over and sat down beside Mrs. Hife. I pulled out my phone and started to play on it. After I got through round one on my game, Mr. Dun and Mr. Joseph walked out of their office. They walked up to me and Mrs. Hife. Mr. Joseph handed Mrs. Hife a piece of paper. Mr. Dun then said, "Gerard, we think you have ptsd, depression, anxiety, and we also  think you might be mute. some of the depression and the ptsd are coming from your brothers death. We want to put you on some antidepressants and we would like to see you to at least  once a week and spend 30 minutes with someone in the home a day."

     I shakes my head ok. They will make me disappear. We don't want that do We? No, I don't really want you to go. Mrs. Hife tapped me on the shoulder. Mr. Dun then leaned in and said, "Gerard where'd you go?"

     I looked at him with a black expression. " Gerard were you talking to somebody?"

     I looked up at the therapists. I then shakes my head yes. Mr. Joseph wrote something else down on his paper. I stood up and ran out of the building. I walked down the streets on the sidewalk. I didn't know where I was going. Eventually I somehow made it to the park. I walked over to the levels. I got under then and began to look for my razor. After about 5 minutes I found it. I picked it up and looked at it. It still had my blood all over it. I quickly rolled up my right sleeve. I put 4 new lines on my right arm. I rolled back down my sleeves and put the blade in my pocket. I went over and laid on top of the picnic table. I got a text and pulled out my phone. I got a text from Bob.

Hey Gerard, where are you? Come back to the home please.

    I put my phone back in my pocket and sat my head on the table. I pulled my hood up and fell asleep.

     I woke up to hear someone yelling me name. I sat up because I thought it was Mikey. I looked around and saw Bob. He looked at me. He hugged me quickly, then let go. He looked at me. I got off the bench and walked over to his car. I got in the passenger side as he got into the drivers seat. He looked at me again. I quickly looked at the window. He started the car and we drove back to the home. Bob parked the car in and I hopped out. I walked into the house. A couple of the other kids were in the living room. Mrs. Hife looked up and saw me. I quickly ran up to my room. Once I got there, i locked the door and sat down on my bed. I noticed a couple of bottles of pills on my dresser. I got up and looked at them. I took my meds, then I laid back down on my bed. Not shortly after I fell asleep.

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