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     The next morning Gerard woke up to a banging sound. Mikey was at his door banging for him to get up. Gerard picked up his shoe and threw it at the door. The knocking stopped and Mikey walked away. Gerard got up and got ready. When he got upstairs, his mom had breakfast sitting on the island. He walked up and grabbed a plate. He walked to the couch and sat down beside Mikey. He ate his food and took the plate to the kitchen. His mom was washing dishes when he walked up to her. She hugged him and then he walked to the living room and got Mikey. Mikey and Gerard grabbed their bags and walked out to the bus.

     At the bus stop, One popular girls walked up to Gerard. He saw her and took out one of his ear buds. She came up to him and whispered in his ear. She said, "Hope you know your a little fag who likes to check out my boyfriend's ass. Oh, and he's straight."

     She walked over to her boyfriend and kissed him. Gerard put his earbud back in and put his head down. When the bus got there, Gerard was the last one on today and he didn't care. He slowly walked back to his seat and sat down. He opened his phone and went onto YouTube. He saw that Crankthatfrank had posted. He clicked on the video and started to watch it. Halfway thru the video Frank broke his blinds and Gerard laughed a little. Everyone turned and stared at him. He noticed and turned YouTube off and put his phone and ear buds back in his pocket. The rest of the way to school he stared out the window.

     When the bus got to school, Gerard hurried up and ran to his locker. He got his stuff and closed his locker. He got about two feet before someone grabbed his hood and jerked him to the floor. His books and papers flew everywhere. Gerard tried to pick his papers up but was pushed against the lockers. Frank's best friend Brendon punched Gerard and then threw him into another set of lockers. Gerard fell to the ground. Frank and his friend started kicking Gerard. A teacher ran up and told Frank and Brendon to go to the office. She then helped Gerard up. He grabbed his books and walked to his first period. He walked in and sat in his chair behind Mikey. Frank and Brendon walked in and sat on the other side of the room. The teacher walked in and took attendance. Everyone here, so the teacher started to talk. She said, "For the next seven weeks we will be in groups. Each will have around five people in a group. Each group will have to write and perform three songs in front of the class. I will assign the groups."

     She walked over to her desk and grabbed a cup full of sticks. She pulled out four sticks. She then said, " These four sticks will be the singer's for the four groups. Brendon Urie, Patrick Stump, Oliver Skyes, and Gerard Way."

     She went thru the rest of the sticks in the cup. By the end Gerard's group included him, Mikey on the bass, Ray on lead guitar, Bob on drums, and Frank  of all people on guitar. The teacher told us to get together as a group and come up with a name. They got in a group and started to think of names. Out of nowhere Mikey said, "let's call ourselves My Chemical Romance."

     Everyone liked it, so I walked up and told the music teacher the name. She said ok and I started to walk back to my seat. Brendon stuck out his foot and I tripped. I stood up and everyone was laughing at me. I turned around and ran out of the room. The halls were empty so it was easy to get to the bathroom. When he got there no one was there. He pulled out his wallet. He grabbed the blade and sat it down on the sink. He rolled up his less scarred arms and picked up his blade. He slid it across his arm. He did it till his clean arm was now covered. He fell to the floor crying.  He heard the door creak open so he put the blade away and rolled down his sleeve. His brother walked over and hugged him. Mikey then let go of Gerard and walked out of the bathroom. Gerard got up and walked to the sink. He took some blood off his arm and made a red strip on the mirror right where his eyes would be. He then walked out of the bathroom to second period. When he walked into class everyone stared at him. He told his teacher what happened how he fell and went to clean up and the teacher said ok. He went and sat in his seat at the front table. The teacher then started class again.

     At lunch, Gerard got his food and went to find a seat. He didn't know where to go so he went to and sat himself at a empty table in the back of the lunchroom. Ray, Mikey, and Bob walked over and sat down beside Gerard. They all started talking about their band.  Gerard told them that he could write all their songs. They said ok and then they went and sat with their other friends leaving Gerard alone again. Frank came over and threw his fist onto the table. He then asked," What was that conversation about the band?"

    "Well I'm going to write our three songs were going to perform."

      "No, I'm going to write one. You will write the other two got it!"

     "Ya, okay I've already started writing the two songs anyway."

    "What are they then?"

    "There I'm Not Okay and I haven't named the other yet."

    "Ok. Mines called Vampire Money."


     Frank then walked away. Gerard threw his lunch away and went to his seventh period class. When he walked in the teacher was surprised. She told him to sit in his seat and wait. He sat down and pulled out a notepad. He started to write down lyrics. Well if  you wanted honesty that's all you had to say. I was never on to let you down or have you go it's better off this way. For all the dirty looks, the photographs  your boyfriend took. Remember when you broke you foot from jumping out the second store I'm not okay. I'm not okaaayyyyy. You wear me out.

Someone then grabbed his book and threw it on the ground. He looked up to see Frank and Brendon. He reached down and picked up his book. Frank hit Gerard in the back of the head. Gerard fell to the ground and started to cry. Frank and Brendon walked to their seats as the teacher walked in to the room. She rushed over to Gerard and helped him up. Gerard picked up his things and started down the hall to the nurse. When he got there, his mom was in the office. She looked at Gerard and asked him what had happened. Gerard said, "Frank and Brendon again happened. They do this to me everyday."

    "Oh sweetie, It's going to be alright. I'm here to talk to the principal about that."

     Just then the principals door opened and he called for Donna Way. Donna and Gerard walked back into his office. When they walked in Mr. Davidson was sitting behind his desk as they sat in the two seats beside each other. He then said, "What seems to have brought you into my office today Mrs. Way?"

     She then said, "You can call me Donna."


" well my son Gerard here is getting bullied. He comes home every night with new bruises on his body."

     "Is this true Gerard?"

     "Yes it is Mr. Davidson. I'm bullied everyday because of my sexuality," said Gerard.

    "Why would they pick on you for being gay Gerard?"

     "Well if you haven't heard, I'm known to everyone here as the fag."

     "Gerard, don't say that. Your not a faggot. Don't call yourself that sweetie." Said Donna.

     "Why mom, that's what I am. I hear it all day long here. It's all over social media too!"

     Gerard stood up and ran out of the office.

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