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     *Bobs pov*

     Gerard looked around, then ran to his room. I tried to follow him, but he was already in his room with the door locked. I walked back to the dining room. Frank was talking to Ethan. I walked up and poked his shoulder. He looked up at me and smiled. "Are you ready to go?"

     "Ya, Gerards already up in his room. I'll talk to him in the morning."

     "Ok, let's get going since we have a  20 minute drive to the party."

     "Ya, ok."

      He leaned in and kissed me. Everyone around the table just looked at us. Frank grabbed my hand and we went out to his car. We got in and he started his car back up. Green day was playing, so I turned it up. Frank just looked at me and smiled. I played air drums for the rest of the song. Once it ended, I intertwined mine and Frank's hand. He smiled and squeezed my hand. The rest of the drive was quiet besides the radio playing lightly in the background.

*20 minutes later*

     A huge mansion came into view. All kinds of people were everywhere. Frank parked the car and we got out. He came around and grabbed my hand. I happily took it and we started to walk towards the huge house. Once we got to the door, Frank knocked on it. It opened an a tall man stepped onto the porch. He hugged Frank and looked at me. "Hey Frank, nice to see you bro. It's also nice to meet you too Bob. Your in really good care here with Frank. Welcome to the party!"

      He opened the door to show all kinds of people partying. I grabbed Frank's arm and he led us into the house. Bert handed me and Frank a drink. "I'm under 21, I can't and I'm not drinking that."

    I handed Bert back his drink. Bert then walked off. Frank grabbed my waist and put me up on the counter. He set his cup down and looked up at me. He sat both his hands down on my thighs. "You know how pretty you are Bob. Your the best thing in life."

     I wrapped both my legs around his waist and pulled him closer. He put both of his hands on my waist. I smiled at him and leaned forward. He leaned forward to and we kissed. Frank bit on my bottom lip. I opened my mouth and be slipped his younger into my mouth. I tried to fight for dominance but he won. It was a little bit weird when Bert walked back into the kitchen. Me and Frank both separated from each other. I jumped off of the counter and hide behind Frank. I grabbed onto his bicep. Bert said, "Frank, come play twister with us. Bob can even watch if you want."
     He looked back at me. I said very quietly, "Ok"

     Frank looked back at Bert. " Ya, I'll come play twister with you guys."

     Bert grabbed Frank's arm and pulled him towards the living room. Frank was the first one to put his right foot on one of the red dots. The other three players got in and they started to play.  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and I took a picture of Frank. I closed my camera and looked at my background. It was a picture of me and Frank. It was already 10:45. I was about to go get a water when someone grabbed me. They covered my mouth and dragged me out of the living room. I was dragged up the steps and threw me into a bedroom. The person who grabbed me was Bert. He picked me up off the floor and threw me on the bed. He got on top of me and pinned me down. I began to scream. Bert put a piece of duct tape over my mouth. He pulled down mine and his pants. I knew what was about go happen. I began to cry.

Once he was done, Bert left. I pulled my pants back up and curled into a ball. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. 11:45 pm. I laid my head down on the pillow and began to cry again. Everything became fuzzy and I slowly fell asleep.

*Frank's pov*

     We played two rounds of Twister and I was getting tired. I went and looked around for Bob. I couldn't find him anywhere around. I checked every room besides Bert's. I opened the door and saw a figure on the bed. I walked over and noticed it was Bob. I sat down on the bed and lightly shook him. He rolled over and said, "Please don't hurt me again."

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