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*Gerard's pov*

     I ran out of the office. I ran down the hall crying. I walked outside and headed towards the park. Once I got there, I went and sat on one of the levels on the playground. I pulled out my wallet and started to cry. I pulled out my razor and my picture of Mikey and I. I looked at it and thought, We were so small back then. I sat the picture on my lap and rolled my sleeves up to my elbows. I picked up my razor and looked at it. I looked around and sat the blade facing my elbow on my vain. I slid it slowly up my left arm. My arm started to shake and bleed . I put the blade in my left arm and started to slid the blade up my right arm. I stopped my razor and it fell to the mulch below me. As my eyes slowly began to shut I heard my name being called. I knew by the time they got to me I would already be gone. I smiled happily for the first time in years and I closed my eyes for the last time.

*Mikey's pov*

     Mom came and got me out of class. She told me what had happened.  I told her we need to get to the park now. She drove us there and I hopped out of the car. I ran towards the park. I started to look around. I saw a body laying on the levels. I started to yell Gerard's name. I ran up to the body and saw it was Gerard. I sat down beside him and pulled out my phone. I dialed 911.

Operator: Hello 911 how may I help you?
Mikey: My brother tried to kill himself i think he's almost dead!
Operator: Its ok sir what is your address?
Mikey: 517 Chestnut Drive, were at the park on the levels.
Operator: Ok sir helps on the way.

     I sat my phone down as my mom ran up to us. We got Gerard off the levels together as the ambulance pulled up. They took Gerard and put him on a stretcher. They then put him in to the ambulance. They told us to follow them to the hospital. We listened and when we got there, Gerard was in surgery. We were told we had to sit in the waiting room. Once we sat down i got a text.

Hey Mikey how's Gerard?

He's in surgery when we found him he was pretty bad.

He'll be ok Mikey. He will pull through it. I promise. I have to go ttyl.

     I put my phone back in my pocket and smiled. My mom  asked me who it was. I told her it was Ray. She asked me who that was. I told her he was a friend of mine. She said, "You have a crush on him don't you?"

     I started down at my seat as mom started to laugh at me. She quickly quieted down when a doctor walked up to us. We both stood up ready to hear the news about my big brother. The doctor said, "He's alive. We barely saved him, he lost a lot of blood. He is going to be asleep for awhile but you can go see him now if you would like. He is in room 218."

     We both nodded and the doctor walked away. I then followed my mom as she walked down the hall. When we got to his room, mom opened the door slowly. We walked in and sat in the two chairs beside his bed. He had all kinds of wires in his arms and machines hooked up to him. The worst part were the bandages that started at the bottom of his elbow all the way up to his palm. We sat there for hours just staring at his lifeless body. I started to cry, maybe if I just helped him he wouldn't be here, but he is now. After that I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Frank's pov*

     During eighth period everyone was called into the gym. We all got up and walked down the hall. When we got there, we all sat down. Brendon sat down right beside me. The principal walked out onto the floor and told us to quite down .Once we were quite, he then started to say, " Children of Matobure High school, you should all be ashamed of yourselves."

     We were all lost on what he was talking about. He then said, "One of our Jr's Gerard Way has tried to commit suicide. He is at the hospital in critical condition."

     Everyone was amazed by what he just said. Brendon stick his hand out for a high five. I high fived him, then put my head down. This was all my fault and I knew it. I basically had his blood all over my hands. The bad part was Gerard was pretty cool. The only reason I picked on him was so I could be popular and fit in. I actually sorta realized I had a small crush on Gerard since I figured out I'm bi. I didn't tell anyone thought. I looked up to see my girlfriend crying. Gerard was her best friend all through elementary. Once he got pushed out of the closet by Brendon in sixth grade, she stopped hanging out with him. I could tell though she still liked him as a friend.  I pulled out my phone and went to Gerard's Facebook page. I scrolled through some of his pictures and looked at the comments. They all were mean and evil saying things about his sexuality.

       I then went onto Instagram. I noticed he posted a new picture fifty five minutes ago.  It was a picture of the park, then a picture of two mutilated arms with Gerard's and Mikey's picture on his lap. The caption was, " Goodbye everyone you got what you wanted."

     I got up and ran to the bathroom. Brendon followed and asked what was wrong.  I showed him the picture of Gerard's and he laughed. I punched him in the arm then left the bathroom.  All kinds of people were in the hallway laughing at their phones. I hurried up and ran to Ray and Bob. I said, "Have you heard anything about Gerard."

     Ray looked at me then said, "He's in surgery, but Mikey doesn't think he'll make it though. Now please leave us alone Frank."

     I put my head down and walked out the doors as the bell rang. I walked to my car and then once I was inside I started to cry. I then started my car and drove to the park. The cops had the playground all roped off. I got out of my car and sat right behind the caution tape crying. An officer walked up to me and said, "Did you know Gerard Way?"

     I looked up and said, "Ya, I'm the reason he committed suicide."

     The cop ten said to me, "Well how is it your fault?"

     "I bullied him everyday. I called him names just to be cool. I did it because I wanted to be popular and now I've lost him."

      The cop bent down and hugged me, "Its not your fault. He will be ok."

     "Are you sure he'll be fine"

     "Yes, why don't you go home and get some rest."

     I got up and thanked him. I then walked back to my car. I then drove home. Once I stepped inside my mother gave me a hug and said she heard what had happened.  Once she let go I dashed to my room and locked the door. I walked over and sat down on my bed.  I took off my shoes and my shirt and laidd down. Not five minutes later I was fast asleep.

     Not ten minutes later I was woke up to cops grabbing me. They put handcuffs on me and told me I was under arrest for pushing someone to commit suicide. I didn't say anything. They put a jacket on me, then took me downstairs. My mom was on the couch crying. She ran up and hugged me. Once she let go the cops pushed me out the door. They put me into their cop car. As we drove away, I watched my mom standing in the doorway crying. Once we got to the jail, they took me out of the cop car and walked me inside. A man walked up and said, "Hello Frank, I'm Detective Wentz. I've seen and heard about how you pushed Gerard Way to commit suicide."

     I looked at him then stared down at my old vans. He signaled one of the guys then we started  walking again. We walked down a set of steps, then I saw the cells come into view. They stopped at the very first cell. The cop opened the door. He took then cuffs off my hands, then pushed me inside. I went over and laid down on the bed. It wasn't that comfortable but I could deal with it. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep.

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