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* Gerard's pov*skip to Wednesday*

This morning I woke up. I couldn't believe it. I thought I was actually dead. I was so happy. I opened my eyes to see the news. The reporter was saying, "Today at 11:30AM is the trial of Frank Iero. He is being trailed on murder for pushing 17 year old, Gerard Way to commit suicide. We will have more on the report later."

I couldn't believe what I heard and looked over at the clock hanging on the wall. 10:45 I jumped up and grabbed my clothes off of the stand. I ran into the bathroom and put them on quickly. Once I was dressed, i looked at the bandages on my arms. I didn't care. I rolled down my sleeves and walked back into my room. I slipped on my combat boots and opened the door. Once the coast was clear I walked out. I got outside and felt the fresh air hit my lungs. I walked out onto the sidewalk. I then started to run to the courthouse.

I stormed into the courtyard. Frank was sitting at a table while Ray and Mikey were at the stand. I yelled, "stop."

The judge looked at me and said," who are you?"

I walked up closer to him and said, "Im Gerard Way."

Everyone was stunned. The judge said, "how do I know your telling the truth?"

I rolled up both of my sleeves. I then carefully unwrapped one of the bandages. There was a huge red cut from my palm to my elbow. It also had blue stitches running up it so it wouldn't bleed. The entire court room was In shock. The judge picked up his mallet and said, "Since Gerard Way is not dead, Frank Iero is innocent."

He swung his gavel down. I watched as he turned around and hugged his mom. I rewrapped my arm up and pulled my sleeve back down. Mikey walked up and hugged me. Once he pulled away, I asked what day it was. He looked at me and said, "Gerard it's Wednesday."

I was shocked. "It's only been a day and Frank was on trial?"

"No Gerard, you've been in a coma for a week."

I was so shocked. I fell down to the ground. Frank walked over to us. I stood back up. Frank wrapped his arms around my neck. He pulled me into a tight hug. I lightly hugged him back. When he let go I stepped back. He said," Gerard you don't have to be scared of me."

Before I could say anything, Mikey batted in, "Why shouldn't he be scared of you. Your one of the reasons he tried to kill himself."

I hurried up and said," No, He's not really. It's just everyone got to me. Everything Mikey, not just Frank."

Mikey looked at me and was confused. Mikey said, "A-am I one of the reasons you killed yourself?"

"No Mikey, Your one of the reasons I wanted to live."

Frank put his head down and walked away. Mikey hugged me and I hugged him back. Once we let go, Ray walked up to us. He wrapped his arms around Mikey's waist. I looked at them and said, "So Mikey, do you have something to tell me."

Mikey blushed at me, then said, "Well me and Ray are dating. He helped me when you were in a coma and we both liked each other so we started dating."

I just smiled and walked away from them. I walked over to Frank and his mom. She whispered something in his ear and he turned around to face me. His mom then walked away. Frank looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry Gerard. I only did It because I wanted to be popular. They told i had it because I wanted to be popular. They told me I had to if I wanted to be friends with them."

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