Chapter Seventeen - Playing Games Now?

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Vaas watched with amusement as Katerina sluggishly hauled her body up from the chair – with her brunette hair hanging messily over her face like a veil. Vaas chuckled as she slowly dragged her feet across the floorboards, towing one foot in front of the other until she reached Vaas – who stood with his arms crossed, observing her with a grin painted on his face.

“Are you sure you want something?” he teased, arching his back so that his face was in direct view of hers. He laughed, tracing his tongue across his lips as he examined her for an answer. Katerina slowly lifted her head, and pouted before smiling – racing her tongue across her teeth. Vaas lifted his head when she done that, and shook his head, swivelling this body around to face the door – scratching the bridge of his nose and fixing his pants. Katerina exploded into an eruption of childish laughter, coiling her arms around her stomach and squeezing it as her head fell forward – still the laughter echoed from her mouth.

“What the fuck is so funny?”

Katerina continued to laugh – even if Vaas’ voice sounded quite irritated – in fact, she seemed to laugh more. Finally she lifted her head, wiping a tear from her eye with the tip of her finger.

“You finished?”

Katerina silently laughed again, but the laughter quickly perished. “Sorry,” she giggled, hiccupping and shuddering her head, “I’m okay now. I don’t even know what was funny.”

Vaas only looked at here, before opening the door and marching out. Katerina quickly followed, her arms tightly folded over her chest, scurrying behind him like a pup following the pack leader. The sun shined brightly – the beautiful, warm golden ray of light shimmering on her skin. The air was warm – a nice warm – and it embraced Katerina with serenity, hugging her like a cosy blanket. She smiled, closing her eyes, lifting her head, and letting the scorching golden sun glimmer on her neck. Her eyes fluttered open and she glared up into the sky. “Wow!” Katerina gasped, gazing up in wonder at the beauty of the sky. In her eyes she saw explosions of purple, sea blue and gold. It was beautiful – like something from a dream. Had the sky always looked like this? Her eyes wandered to the sun and she gasped again. The sun glowed brightly, glistening like a grand crystal, flicking out rays of orange, gold, and even silver. Never in all of her life had she seen something so magnificent.

“Vaas,” she whispered, scurrying up to be closer to him as they walked, “Vaas, look at the sky, and the sun. It’s so beautiful.”

“You shouldn’t look directly in the sun.” he barked silently, increasing the speed of his pace.

“But it’s so pretty…” Katerina sighed, sulking and glaring at the floor like a child.

Vaas chuckled, his back quaking as he marched through the camp. Vaas and Katerina reached a mossy green gazebo, it was quite large and was packed with wooden tables and metal chairs. Possibly where the pirates came to eat. It reminded Katerina of one of them army films she had watched before – where soldiers would retreat under the gazebos in their camps to eat or take shelter from the bad weather.

There were a few men inside. Katerina stiffened once she saw them, and hid behind Vaas – stepping closer to him, shrouding herself beside his back. They were crammed around a table, with plates filled with food and glass bottles of alcohol beside them. Vaas stood there, glaring at them for a moment – his fierce eyes burning into their skulls. They finally took notice and peered up. Vaas looked at them, and whistled, clicking his head to the direction of where he and Katerina had just came. The pirates jumped from their seats, quickly shovelling in the food and swigging back their drinks. One pirate got up too quickly and his chair fell back, scratching against the ground, so that the pirate fell to the floor – landing on his back with a loud thud. Katerina laughed, pressing her fist against her mouth to stop the laughter from bursting into a frenzy. The pirates he was with stiffened, glaring at Vaas apologetically, kicking their comrade with their boots so that he got up quicker. The fallen pirate scowled at giggling Katerina as he got up, stumbling on his feet.  They quickly scuttled out, scurrying away like rats running from water, or a wave, and Vaas was the wave – huge, powerful and dangerous.

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