Chapter Two - The Road

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Vaas’s men and their prisoners reached a rocky sandy road, engraved with car tracks and overrun with small grey stones and empty bullets. The lush green grass beside the road was tall and overgrown, and in it sprung wild red, green and yellow flowers and exotic plants. A flock of skittish brown deer were grazing on the thriving grass a few metres from the islanders and their captives. Suddenly their pointed brown ears twitched and their heads bolted up from the ground. Spotting the armed men they rose to their hind legs and quickly scurried away into the wild brush.  From the crazy winding road raced two trucks – one being much larger and more confined than the other - and in it were more of Vaas’ men. Yellow dust flew up into the air like a cloak of thick smoke and clung onto the captives, making them cough and shudder.

“Pack em’ up!” Vaas ordered at full volume, swinging his arm in the air to the direction of the large truck. He still had a tight grasp onto the girl wearing the shirt and shorts, and kept his arm securely around her, observing as his men tossed the hostages abruptly into the truck, bawling brutishly at them in Spanish whilst locking their guns on them.  

“Close it up, make sure it secure!” he ordered again, slowly moving backwards, towing the girl by her arms to come with him.

“Wait,” she muttered, scanning to her capturer and then at the truck loaded with her susceptible friends, “am I not going with them?”

Vaas chuckled, and hugged her huskily as she stood motionless and bewildered, glaring with wide eyes at the captives who glared back at her, fighting against their taut, burning ropes. “Oh no chica,” he laughed, resting his head on her shoulder, his breath grazing on her neck, “I would much prefer if you came with me. Wouldn’t you? No?” Snappishly he roughly tugged her back, making her stagger and trip over her feet. He tittered silently, towing her towards the other truck, holding her firmly by her small waist. Two men were already in the back of the truck, as there was no room inside. Vaas pushed her up to the bar of the truck, lifting her into the air so she could get in. One islander, grasped her by the arm and hauled her up. Though there was no hospitality in that manner; as soon as she was half over he let go thus causing her to abruptly plummet into the car and crash on the metal surface.  She let slip a tiny squeal as she fell, but quickly silenced herself. The pirates looked down to her and chuckled amongst themselves. Vaas peered up, and snapped something at them in Spanish in a severe, bitter tone, and they shut up – kicking there feet just as a child does after scolding, and twiddling their thumbs around their guns that pointed to the car floor. In one quick and powerful leap Vaas was in the truck, leaping over the metal bar like a tiger or lion, and landing perfectly and steadily on his feet.  His heavy, dusted black army boots harshly hit the steel surface, and made the truck thump – causing the passengers to go off balance faintly. The girl remained on the floor in a corner, near to were Vaas stood, hugging her body and glaring at her bare feet -which now bore some small scratches- refusing to peek up at the barbaric pirates that had seized her and her friends.

The road was bumpy, and to make it worse the drivers were wild. Speeding hastily around bends and down stretching golden paths, as if they were on a race track. Somehow, these animals in the back managed to stand, resting there palms on the rusted metal sides of the truck for just a little support.  But, Vaas didn’t hold onto anything, and yet he remained so still, like a statue, as if the truck wasn’t moving at all. His arms were tightly folded, and he mostly glared coldly at the floor of the car, and occasionally glanced up to the horizon to check where they were. The hostages were helpless. Vaulting up and down in the cars, falling onto their backs and stomachs and bruising their skin as they crashed harshly into the metal. The islanders laughed at them, mocking them as they pointed at them with their guns, as if they were ludicrous creatures in a confined zoo. Katerina tried to steady herself, struggling to grip onto the soiled metal floor of the truck or the small corroded metal walls, trying to prevent herself from bumping into Vaas’ leg, petrified that he might strike her in anger, or even shoot her dead.

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