Chapter Nine - Amusement

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His mouth stretched into a grin, and he chuckled – his deep callous cackle vibrating in the air, “you really are different, aren’t you?” He seized her by the arms and shook her, in retaliation she clutched onto his arms and gasped to his touch. “It’s funny! First, you quarrel with me on the way up here, then you escape, then you point a fucking gun at me, which… I am still relatively fucking pissed at!” His tone of voice suddenly changed to being angry and threatening to a one that bounced with laughter and jest; he continued, still grinning as he spoke “and now, you’re telling me that you killed someone. It’s funny that a part of me believes you! For your sake, let’s hope your just joking Chica.”

“I’m afraid I’m not.”

He laughed, his eyes studying her face. But her expression did not change, it remained guarded, filled with ire, resentment and grief. The corners of his mouth slowly fell as he continued to examine her – his eyes narrowing and his jaw tightening. His face fell dark and cold, as if a blanket of vice and animosity had wrapped itself around him, leaving a horrid expression on his pitiless face. He scowled, crinkling his nose in irritation. His head darted closer to her, his agitated breath hitting Katerina on her skin, “so!” he snapped, anger growing in his deep, solemn voice, “if I go outside, your telling me I’ll find a fucking body? That you are responsible for? That’s fucking crazy! I mean, why would you do that? Kill someone, without remorse? That’s fucking corrupt Chica! Don’t you think?”

“Isn’t that what you do?” she teased, her voice low and direct. Her expression hadn’t changed. She remained still as cold water, and blank as white paper.

With a snarl, Vaas’ hand suddenly seized Katerina’s neck – his fingers coiling around her flesh. She gasped, clutching onto his fingers with her trembling hands, in a futile attempt to pry them away from her skin. He laughed, shoving her abruptly to the wall, pressing his torso against her chest and her exposed stomach – his grip slowly tightening around her neck. She choked, gasping for air, and her grip loosened, and her hand slowly fell. “Remember your fucking place!” he snapped, shaking her as he spoke, “remember I could break you as easily as a fucking tooth pick Chica! So watch what you fucking say!”

“Please…” she choked - her eyes rolling to her skull, and the colour fading from her face.

With a grin he dropped her, as harshly as he seized her, and she collapsed to the floor, crashing onto the wooden surface with a harsh thud. She coughed breathlessly, clutching on her reddened, raw neck, rubbing it delicately with the tips of her fingers.

“I’m going to check outside,” he declared, with a minor cadence to his voice. She didn’t glance up to look at him; still coughing and stroking her burning neck as she glared at the floor. Her head only lifted when she heard the startling smash of the metal door, and when she glanced up he was gone. I better prepare myself for a liable vicious explosion, she thought to herself, shuddering in pain as she slowly sat herself up – her cut feet too tender for her to stand

Finally, after what felt like hours to Katerina, the red metal door was pushed open. Katerina braced herself, clenching her teeth together and freezing her body to stone.

Vaas stood in the door, arching his back and resting his right hand on his knee – his head lowered, glaring at floor, not yet looking up at Katerina. His back quaked, and, to Katerina’s surprise, laughter echoed from his lips. Katerina glared at him, puzzled and astounded, with her lips slightly parted; her body was still tense but her shoulders dropped and she relaxed a little. She opened her mouth to speak, but she ceased her breath, and barred her lips together – sitting in silence and glaring in wonder, at the man who stood laughing like a child in the doorway.

He finally straightened his back, his eyes nearly swelling with tears. He glanced at Katerina, who was still greatly confused and raised an eyebrow at him subconsciously.

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