Chapter Eight - Six

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Sophia’s chest quaked as she cried, her head falling to her breast. Katerina emerged from the darkness, standing in front of the savage; her fingers clasped tightly around the gun that she held securely in her right hand. Vaas clenched his teeth, his piercing eyes wide, cold and furious. His jaw tensed. He scrunched his riled face and glanced to his left, scowling at the cage full of terrified captives. His fierce eyes snapped to the woman who stood opposite him. Suddenly he laughed, brushing the tip of his gun across his forehead. He turned his head to look at his men behind him.

“Who let her out, huh?” he laughed, now resting the gun on his neck, “huh?”

He roared angrily, abrupt and sudden, smashing his black boots forcefully into the ground, as he harshly hurled Sophia to the floor. His gun fired. He growled as one of his men collapsed to the floor, clutching onto his bleeding stomach, red blood gushing from his lips as his limp body flopped to the ground.

“Who the fuck!” he screamed, pacing up and down, enraged like a wild animal, “let her out!”

Sophia curdled into a ball, wailing and squealing as she buried her head in her arms.

“Shut the fuck up!” Vaas barked, perching over the juddering body like a ravenous, feral beast, as the girl bawled hectically, tunnelling her head into the ground. “Stop fucking crying!”

Katerina shuffled her feet, breathing heavily against the cold air, now clenching onto the heavy gun with both hands and pointing it to the soiled, dry grass – her fingers gently resting on the trigger.

“We never let her out,” one man muttered, tunnelling his heel into the mud, “why would we?”

Vaas snapped his head to the pirate and waved his gun at him, tilting his head in a chaotic manner, “what?” he barked, grinding his teeth together irritably, “are you implying that I am a fool? Huh? Do you think that I am stupid? Well? Fucking do you?” Vaas screamed angrily, the girl beside his feet trembled nervously, and even his men winced and glared at the floor. The man who spoke shook his head, lowering his rifle and restlessly raking his boot across the ground.  “Do you want to fucking go?” he warned, his thunderous, turbulent voice, crackling through the cold, thin air, “because believe me, when I am livid, I will blast my bullet through anyone’s fucking skull! And hermano, you’re antagonizing me, and I fucking warn you amigo, that’s not wise. Not fucking wise at all.  So next time you open your mouth, ensure that it’s something worth saying, otherwise, keep your fucking mouth shut!”

Katerina’s fingers trembled against the cold metal of the gun as her wary, golden eyes locked onto Vaas. His head snapped in her direction and she gulped as he slowly took one step towards her. With her arm trembling, she lifted the gun to the air and pointed it at the wild brute.

“What?” Vaas teased, playfully holding his arm up in the air as he slowly walked towards her, “are you going to shoot me?”

“Take one more step and I will!” she warned, lifting the gun higher and resting her finger on the deadly trigger.

He stopped, and smirked, a heinous cackle erupting from his mouth. “Oh, I really doubt that.” He chuckled.

“I warn you. Take one more step and I will pull this fucking trigger.”

“Oh really?” His stern, dark eyebrows dropped over his cold, dark eyes and his jaw tensed as he scowled. “So If I take one step, you’ll fucking shoot me? Really. Like this?”

With a scowl he stretched out his leg. Katerina winced as the gun jumped in her quaking hand, spitting out a bullet that soared rapidly in the air. Her hand had lowered from uncertainty, causing the bullet to blast into the ground. Dirt flew up into the cold air like a splash of cold water as the bullet penetrated the earth. Vaas, snapped his leg away and scowled, examining the hole that was beside his feet.

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