°•°17°•° Goodbye?

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Laurence slowly pushed himself off the floor and I backed up a bit. I slammed the doors shut and put my hand in front of it.

A magically barrier began to emerge and it blocked off the door.

I could hear Laurence pounding on the door from the other side. I turned around quickly headed back to Aphmau.

▪~~~~~Aphmaus POV~~~~~▪

I stretched my arms as my eyes began to open. I looked around me yawning and rubbed my eyes.

I was still tired.

Too much has been happening lately. I just needed a break from it all. But I guess whether I like it or not there will be no break.

The door slammed open and I quickly jumped up. I fell off the bed and bent down to the floor. I peaked up and noticed it was only Aaron.

I took a deep breath in and got up off the floor he ran towards me and grabbed my arm.

"Aaron..?" I asked confused.

"We have to get out of here." He replied.


"Ill explain later."

He began to run out of the room holding onto my arm. We took a right and ran down the halls. He took out his phone as he was running and began dialing. He put it up against his ear and it rang.


"Yes get all guards by the main entrance don't let him get any further from there."

Aaron took the phone away from his ear and turned it off. He shoved it in his pocket and we began running faster.

My feet hit the ground and I could hear screaming and yelling. Things around us began to fall and I whimpered.

"Aaron what the hells going on?" I asked.

"Laurence." He replied.

I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at him in the eyes.

"I have to go see him."

Aaron looked at me with wide eyes and nodded his head.

"Aphmau theres no way ill let you get hurt." He said.


"No buts Aph hes come here to get you. If he wasnt that much of a danger I would let you."

We began running again and I could hear much more screamimg and running as well now. I could hear footsteps headed our way and Aaron was basically dragging me down.

He ran further down the hall and the walls beside us began to shatter.

"Aaron..." I mumbled on the verge of crying.

The walls began to crumble behind us and I could feel the floor cracking. Little bits and pieces of rocks were hitting my head and I whimpered.

Aaron picked me up off the ground and his wings came out. He covered me with his wings and began to run more.

"AARON!" Someone screamed.

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon