°•°3°•° Breaking In

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I looked at him with shock. I nodded my head a few times and he looked at me confused.

"What do you want?" I growled.

"You." He smiled.

"Guardian angel my ass." I growled.

"What do you mean?" He questioned me.

"If you are my guardian angel where the hell have you been all my life? Why is my life such a hell." I yelled.

"I-I." He stuttered.

"You what?" I yelled.

He sighed and looked at me.

"We will talk about this more at my house ill explain everything I promise." He sighed.

He grabbed my arm and began running. I growled a bit more and he ran into a town. We ducked behind bushes and trees.

He seemed to avoid everyone. This was heaven wasn't it. So why was he hiding from everyone. Were in heaven are we not. Isn't this the place were all is good and happy. I rolled my eyes and we began too move again. He ran up to this house and headed to the door. Opening the door he slowly closed it. He locked the door and I looked around. It was small but nice. He walked past me and walked up to a couch. Sitting down he waved for me to come over. I cautiously sat down beside him and he coughed.

"So why were you hiding from everyone." I growled.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Look buddy, if you wanna earn my trust don't play around with me." I said coldly.

He opened his mouth but he closed it again.

"Im sorry, look the truth is they don't know you are here right now. They think you went too hell and if I get caught we are both into trou-"

"No you would get into trouble." I interrupted.

"Well yes bu-"

"But what?" I growled.

"I want to be with you." He said honeslty.

I began to burst into laughter and I fell off his couch.

"Your so funny."

"Listen hoe, I'm not that dumb so you better start explaining." I countiuned.

"But its the truth!" He yelled.

"The truth? If it was the fucking truth why didn't you try too ever help me in my life. Why didn't you try to make something good happen?" I yelled back.

"I couldn't." He sighed.

"And whys that?" I screamed.

"Because I couldn't get into the control rooms. Just at night." He growled.

"Well I guess that would explain the good dreams." I laughed.

"Bring me too this control center." I smirked.

"What?" He questioned me.

"Tonight lets go too it."

"Okay." He sighed.

▪~~~~~Figures POV~~~~~▪

I spun the key around in my hand and stared at it. It was interesting. It was a blue key with white on it. I threw the key too the floor and got out of my shadow form. I walked over too my bed and laid down.

I could finally take over heaven and no one could stop me, not even God himself could.

I laughed too myself about it.

God he couldn't stop me anymore. It was impossible. Not even the Guardian angels could. That place was dying anyways. It would fall to the ground without their leader. How they were holding up together now I wouldn't know.

I got up off my floor and picked up the key. I shoved it in my pocket and I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I turned back to my shadow form and a lady opened the door.

"King." She moaned.

She walked up to me and I pulled her into my chest. I began to touch her ass and she moaned.

"Wait here." I said coldly.

I placed her down on the bed and walked up too the door. Opening the door I left and headed downstairs. I approched a door and opened it. Walking downstairs I looked around me. All the people coward in fear as I walked by. I smirked too myself and headed too the farthest cell. I stopped infront of it and looked inside. A man sat depressed in the corner. He turned around to face me and he glared. I took out the key and began dangling it in front of his face. His eyes went huge and he ran up to the bars.

"How did you get that?" He questioned me.

"Well lets say a little guardian angel wanted his girl back." He chuckled.

"You won't get away with this." The man spoke.

"Well God watch me."

I turned away from him and made my way back upstairs.

▪~~~~~Aphmaus POV~~~~~▪

I stretched as I looked around.

"Laurence when can we go and leave?" I shouted.

"Soon." He replied.

"Just let me get a few things." Laurence walked out of the room and I followed after him.

He walked into what seemed to be a kitchen. He began taking stuff from shelfs and placing them on the countier. I walked up to the bottles and looked at them. There were different kinds of substances. With all different sort of colours. Laurence pulled out a few more things and walked back into the other room. He came back with a bag and put everything inside.

"Lets go." He smiled.

"Finally." I replied rolling my eyes.

Laurence walked up too the door and opened it wide. I followed after him and he closed the door behind us. We made our way into the town and hid trying too stay out of sight. After a while we approched a building. We hid in a bush and peaked over. Guards stood at the door.

"So how do we get in?" I questioned him.

"Hm were gonna have to use the back entrance." He replied.

I nodded my head and followed Laurence. We approched the back off the place and he unlocked the door. We snuck inside and it was too dark to see anything. A light flicked on and I looked around. This place was huge. I was in awe. So many controls. I turned to Laurence and smirked.

"Well lets go."

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now