°•°11°•° Unknown Powers

341 12 11

He held me tight and I looked up at him. Stupid mask. I still couldn't see his face. I reached up for his mask and he grabbed my hand.

"No." He whispered.

"Please." I begged.

"No." He growled.

"Why no?" I asked.

"Because nobody is allowed to see my face. Until I either kill them or fuck them then kill them." He replied.

"Then kill me.." I mumbled.

He looked at me and I gulped.

"Hun if I wanted you dead do you think I would have killed you by now." He chuckled.

"Yea..." I replied.

"Now lemme see." I said smiling.

"No." He said.


"If you don't shut up ill kill everyone in this room and then torture you bit by bit then let you die a slow and painful death and would you like to know what happens when you die here? You go into a deep sleep that you never wake up from." He growled.

I whimpered and he let go of me. I fell to the ground and looked around me. He took the cloack off of us. I got up off the ground and jumped back. I took the gun out again and pointed it back at him.

"After I save you? You dare to point a gun at me." He seemed unpleased and angry at that.

"Yep." I replied.

I took a few shots at him and he dodged them. The guards began to surrond me and I took shots at them. Some of them fell to the ground. I ran over at the shadow and kicked him in the face. He grabbed my foot and threw me to the ground. I growled in pain and looked up. He stood over me and I kicked him in the balls. He growled and I jumped back up. I pointed the gun at him and he stood still.

"Give me the diamond!" I yelled.

He looked at me and took the diamond out of his pocket. The guards looked at him in shock and he threw it at me. I caught the diamond and it began to turn blue again. I looked at the diamond and I felt myself getting dizzy. Lights began flashing in my head and I got a huge head ache. The diamond began to glow and it floated into the air. Lights began to come out from the diamond and I reached out for it. I felt myself getting light headed and I fell to the ground. I closed my eyes tight.

"I knew she couldn't handle it."

I felt myself faint and I dropped the diamond.

▪~~~~~??? POV~~~~~▪

I sat still in my cell and laid down on the floor. I had no way out. The only way id get out is if he let me out. I had to get back though. I needed to find her before he could get his hands on her. He may tell her everything.

I heard the door slam open and I looked up. Foot steps approached down the halls. He stopped infront of my cage and looked down at me. It was the shadow. The one that got me in this mess. I looked over and noticed something was hanging on his shoulders.

"Whats that on your shoulder?" I asked him.

I heard him chuckle a little.

"Oh nothing just a girl with cute raven hair." He replied.

I quickly got up off the floor and tried to run at him. Being yanked back by the chain I fell to the ground.

"Let her go." I yelled.

"Why should I?" He laughed.

"Please.." I said.

"I don't think so." He turned around and began walking away.

"Get back here!" I yelled in anger.

His foot steps began to get further away and I smashed my fist into the ground.

He got her and all I could do is sit there and watch him take her.

▪~~~~~Aphmaus POV~~~~~▪

I yawned as I began to wake up. I looked around me and noticed I was in a cell. I growled and got up off the ground. I looked down at me and noticed my legs were tied down. I laid back down on the cold dirty floor and sighed. I heard foot steps creaking and stop infront of my cell. I looked up a bit and noticed Aaron. I looked away from him and he opened up my cage.

"You shouldn't have tried to kill him." Aaron said.

I ignored him I didn't care for what he had to say.

"Don't ignore me." He said sighing.

I looked up at him and he walked over to me.

Who cares anymore. I didn't have anywhere to go. I was stuck here. To be honest id rather be with Laurence right now because at least then I had a place to call a home. I felt Aaron undue my chain and he backed away from me. I got up off the floor and looked at him. He smiled a bit and I smiled back. I kicked him in the face and he fell the ground. I ran out of the cell and down the hall.

Where I was going? I wasn't sure.

I opened up a door and quickly hid inside. Closing the door behind me I locked it. I leaned against the door and was breathing heavily.

"Ahem." Someone coughed.

I quickly turned my head back and my eyes went huge.

"Oh hey.." I stuttered.

"What are you doing out of your cell." The shadow growled.

I gulped and smiled.

"Aaron let me out." I replied.

"He what." The shadow growled.

"Yea you heard me." I said.

He got up off a bed which I was asuming was his and walked over to me. He pinned me against the wall and looked me in the eyes.

"You're going to be staying here for a while little lady."

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now