°•°5°•° The Truth About Blue

374 12 14

I looked at Laurence in shock.

"Could someone have gotten in when we went in?!" I yelled.

He hushed me and I started breathing heavily.

"I'm not sure get dressed and come into the living room ill show you the news report."

I nodded my head and he left the room. I pushed the covers off of me and got up off the bed. I walked over to the closet and there were clothes for me inside. I took out a pair of black pants and a blue shirt. I walked into the washroom and closed the door behind me. I looked at myself in the mirror and froze. I noticed somethong dangling on my neck. I took off my shirt and I started breathing heavily.

The blue diamond... I knew were it was.

It hung on a necklace on my neck. It was much smaller than when I first saw it. I tried to take the necklace off put it wouldn't come off. I tried ripping at it and everything but it wasn't working. I started breathing heavily again and touched the diamond. I flipped it over and the red seemed like it just got worse. I put my hands on the sink and stared at myself.

How in hell did the diamond turn into a necklace. More importantly how did it get on my neck.

"Aphmau hurry up!" Laurence yelled.

I put the blue shirt on me and made sure it was covering the diamond. I quickly changed my pants and opened up the door. I stumbled out and ran into the living room. Laurence had the tv onto the news station and I sat down beside him.

"Today Gods Blue Diamond has been stolen we are here to talk to the guards that were here last night, tell us what happened?" The reporter asked.

A guard walked up to her and began talking,

"It was around 1 in the morning when some sorta of figure ran at us and we tried shooting it but it just kept going. It knocked us both to the ground and used some sort of magic to keep us down. It ended up leaving and it its hand was the diamond. But there was something strange about the diamond... it was turning red."

The news reporters face went white and she turned to the camera.

"It began turning red? What exactly does that mean? Could some sorta of outside force have the diamond. The head of the Guardian Angels have rewarded 10 million dollars for its safe return. He has also rewarded 5 million for who ever can figure out why its red when its returned."

My eyes went huge and we both turned too face each other.

"I think I know who stole the diamond." He stuttered.

"W-Who..?" I asked nervously.

"That figure. The one I gave the key too." He yelled.

My face went blank and I just kept nodding my head.

"Tonight we gotta sneak out again and find him. I'm going to kill whoever stole that diamond." He growled..

I gulped and started shaking a bit.

He got up off the couch and walked towards the door.

"Come on lets go get some stuff from town." He sighed.

"B-But I can't be seen." I replied.

"You can now. They are too busy looking for who ever did it that they stopped monitoring the gate." He smirked.

I gave him a fake smiled and nodded my head.

Are you kidding me. This is so much worse. What if someone comes up to us wanting to inspect us to make sure we didn't steal it. I need to find away to get this off.

I got up off the couch and walked over to Laurence.

Could I trust him? I don't know yet. Hes been helping me yes but what if he didn't believe me when I said I didn't steal it.

He opened up the door and I followed after him. We began to walk into town and people looked really nervous and concered. I hid behind Laurence.

I didn't want them knowing I'm here to be honest.

Laurence walked into a shop and took out a few things and put them im a basket he picked up. He walked around grabbing a few more things and approched the register. The cashier scanned the items and Laurence paid. We left the shop and made our way back home. Laurence opened up the door and we walked back inside.

"Come on lets get prepared. You never know what he could do." Laurence sighed.

I nodded my head and walked into my room.

This was gonna be a long wait.


It was finally time. It was 12 at night and Laurence walked into the room. He had a few guns in his wasit band and he looked at me.

"Lets go." He sighed.

I nodded my head and we headed for the doors. Opening the doors he locked them behind us. We headed into town and head trying to avoid anyone late at night. Im asuming we only did that so no one would know Laurence was holding guns on him. We sneaked pass people and made our way to the gate. When we got too the gate we left it and approched the blue heart. Laurence stepped onto the heart and I followed. The moment I stepped onto the heart it began to light up. I quickly jumped back and luckly Laurence didn't notice. I walked up to the rock and sat down on it. Laurence looked up in the sky and growled a bit. My heart was really racing now. Someone is going to find out I have it. I saw a black figure out of the corner of my eyes and I froze. It floated up too the sky and Laurence looked at it.

"Where the diamond.." He said coldly.

The figure began to laugh and I felt my heart racing.

"I don't have it but I know someone who does." The shadow replied.

"Who." Laurence asked.

"Well shes right over there." He smirked.

He pointed over at me and my eyes went huge. The shadow approched me and began to take off my shirt.

"Don't touch her!" Laurence yelled.

He pulled a gun at the figure and shot. It went right through him. He threw my shirt to the ground and Laurence froze.

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