°•°15°•° Back I Go Again

370 15 6

My mouth dropped down and I looked at the boy confused. I got up off the couch and headed for the door.

"I have to go." I said.

I felt someone grab my arm and I quickly turned around.

"Laurence."I growled.

"Please Aphmau." He begged.

"No." I replied.

"I have to." I said.

I opened up the door and shaked Laurence off of me.

"Aphmau!" He yelled.

"Laurence just stop!"

I stopped in my place and turned my head to look at him.

"You always say you love me. But words are just words. You know. Actions speak louder than words."

I turned back around and began to walk. Wings spouted on me and I flew up into the air.

I turned back to look at Laurence and his wings came out. His wings were strange. I looked at my wings compared to his.

Mine were white well his were grey.

I flew up into the air and began flying for it. I had to get out of here before he got me.

I began flying really fast. But the truth is I had no idea where I was going or where I was.

I began flying faster and faster. I could hear wings behind me. I sored making turns. I looked behind me and I noticed Laurence catching up on me.

I dropped down to the ground and my wings disappeared. I began running.

I was in a forest now. I began running deeper into the forest. I was going to try and lose him. The forest was getting darker not to mention it had more trees. I ran further in and I felt myself fall to the ground. I quickly got back up but was pushed down again.

I turned my head around and whimpered.

"Laurence stop!" I yelled.

"I wont let you go back to him." He replied.

"I have to!" I yelled back.

"No you don't." He yelled.

"Please Laurence please!" I begged.

"Aphmau I won't let you go again." He got up off of me and picked me up.

He pulled me into a tight hug and I squirmed to get out.

"Laurence if you ever even loved me you would have not put me through so much hell on Earth. Even hell is better than what I had to deal with on Earth!" I pushed him off of me and quickly jumped back.

"You are going to regret saying that." A voice chuckled.

I looked at Laurence and his eyes went huge. We both froze in our spots and I felt a breeze pass me. There was no way we could get out now.

"Shadow.." I mumbled.

"Oh sweetheart you shouldn't have tried to escape from me.." He laughed.

I felt a shiver go down my spine and my face turned red.

The cold air brushed against me and I noticed Laurence fall to the ground. Shadow sat on top of him and pinned his head down.

Laurence struggled to move and I ran over to him.

"Shadow." I growled.

He tilted his head back to look at me and I felt myself getting nervous.

"I know who you are." I said.

He got up off of Laurence and quickly ran at me. He grabbed me and picked me up. He jumped into the air and black wings came out of him.

He began to quickly fly away and I looked back at Laurence. Laurence struggled to get up off the ground and kept on falling back down.

He began to sore faster in the sky.

It was awkward on our way back. Like usual he said nothing of the sort and we made our way back to the castle.

He flew through a window and jumped onto the ground. His wings began to disappear and he started walking. He threw me down on the bed and quickly ran back to the window. He slammed it shut and locked it.

He walked over to the side of the bed and stared down at me.

I looked over at him and laid my head to the side.

"So Aaron.." I growled.

"Who told you my name?" He growled walking closer to me.

He got onto the bed and I put some distance between us.

"I don't know there name." I replied.

He pushed me down against the bed and I glared at him.

"What did they look like."

"Why do you care?" I asked getting a little annoyed now.

"Aphmau unless you want to end up like Laurence is soon to be id suggest you tell me." He growled.

"First." I said, "Tell me why you lied to me? Also why are there two Aarons. Im so confused..."

He took in a deep breath and let go of me.

"After I tell you I want my answers."

I nodded my head and he countiuned,

"His name isn't Aaron. His real name is Gene. I had him pretend to be me."

"But why?" I asked.

"Because Im a demon sweetheart. People aren't aloud to know what I look like or who I am."

A shiver went down my back and my face turned a bit red.

"But I do."

"And thats why you will never be leaving me." He laughed.

I had no responce to him. I didn't wanna stay here forever but at the same time where would I go.

I looked up at Aaron and I touched his hair.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused.

I felt myself snap back to reality and I looked away.

"Sorry.." I mumbled.

"Bad girls get punished y'know." He said smirking.

I looked over at Aaron and he picked me up off the bed. He began to walk towards the door and down the hall. He went down a long stair case and into a room full of cells. He walked down the halls and we passed my a certin cell that caught my eye.

I looked on inside and noticed someone familar. They looked up at me and I felt my heart begin to race.

"Aaron." I mumbled.

He stopped in his place and I could see a smirk appear on his face.

"I was gonna let you meet him later but I guess nows a good time."

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now