°•°8°•° Purple Flowers

380 13 8

He looked at me shocked and I stopped leaning on my chair.

"Thanks.." He mumbled.

Somethings off about this guy. He seems like a doormatt to me. How the hell does he run this place when he acts this way.

"Is this your house?" I asked him.

His eyes flashed red and he nodded his head. I raised an eyebrow and he looked at me confused.

"Your a lier." I laughed.

"No I'm not." He yelled.

"Prove it." I smirked.

"Fine follow me." He smirked.

He got up off the chair and I growled.

"But my food."

"You can get that later." He sighed.

I rolled my eyes and got out of my chair. I followed him and he walked into the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen he took another door out. I followed him back to his room. He opened up the door and headed inside. I follwed after him and he approached his desk. He pulled out a few papers and put them down on his desk. Approching his desk I took the paper and looked at them.

The signature for the house was by the name of someone called "Aaron Lycan"

"So your Aaron Lycan." I asked rasing an eyebrow.

"Y-Yes." He replied.

"Whatever." I put the papers down on the desk and sighed.

"If I'm gonna be staying here I wanna be able to look around." I spoke.

"Okay ill give you a tour." He smiled happily.

"No." I said boldly.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"I wanna look around the place myself." I replied.

"Y-You may get lost though!" He yelled.

"Ill be fine." I said rolling my eyes.

I turned around and headed for the doors. Aaron grabbed my hand and I turned around.

"Look I'm going to look around whether you like it or not."

I shaked his arm off and ran up to the door. I looked back and he ran at me. He pinned me to the door and his hood flew off. He quickly let go of me and turned around. He put his hood back up and I opened the door. While he was distracted I ran out of the door and sprinted down the hallway. I ran down the hall and I didn't hear him after me so I stopped. I walked around looking room to room. I opened up a few doors and most of the rooms were empty. I sighed and opened another door. I peaked inside and it seemed to lead to a garden. I walked inside the garden and looked around. It was a huge indoor garden. Flowers were everywhere as well as trees and shrubs. I noticed a rose bush and I approched it. Touching the roses my hands were stabbed. I got up off the ground and looked aroubd me. I noticed a man. He was sitting infront of a flower bush. Purple flowers were before him. He had black hair with a cloack on him. Expect his hood was down. I got up off my knees and walked towards him.

"Don't take another step." He spoke.

I stopped dead in my tracks and he got up off the ground.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"I could ask you the same thing." He laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked him.

"And you are?" He asked me.

"Answer my question." I growled.

"Answer mine first." He replied.

"No." I growled.

He took in a deep breath and picked off one of the flowers. He got up off the ground and jumped into the air. I looked up and in a flash he disappeared.

Who was that. More importantly why wouldn't he tell me who he was. I heard the door slam open behind me and I turned around.


He looked at me with wide eyes and he ran up to me. He grabbed my arm and began to walk towards the door.

"What the hells your problem." I growled.

"Shut up and let me show you to your room." He growled.

He left the room and began running down the halls. He ran up to a room and stopped infront of it. He opened up the door and threw me in.

"Ill see you tomorrow." He yelled.

He slammed the door and I heard a click. I ran up to the door trying to turn it open but it was locked. I sighed and walked over to my bed.

Maybe I just needed some sleep.

I sighed and laided down on my bed. I yawned as I fell into a deep sleep.


Running down the halls I ran from them. They wouldn't leave me alone.

I ran towards the doors.

I was so close to freedom.

I felt someone throw me down to the floor and I growled. I looked up and a pink haired girl had me down on the floor. Other people began to surrond me. They began kicking and punching me and tears fell from my eyes. I felt myself getting light headed and they backed away from me. Blood fell from old wounds and new ones were created. They walked away from me and down the hall. I watched them as they walked away and turned onto my side. Someone began to walk up to me and they dropped a few things well walking by. They dropped a few bandages and some klnexs. I looked back at who it was and noticed it was a boy. The boy with black hair walked away leaving me to be alone.

Once again.


I jumped out of bed and looked around me.

It was just a dream. Well more like a nightmare. I did nothing to them yet they still hurt me. I'd forgot that someone use to help me. Though I never figured out who he was. I sighed and looked over. I noticed something beside my bed and I quickly got out. I ran up to the wall and turned on the switch. I looked at my bed and noticed a flower. I slowly walked up to my bed and picked up the flower. It was a purple flower. Just like the one that boy held.

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now