°•°2°•° The Shadowy Figure

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"You wouldn't dare." I growled.

"Oh but I would." He chuckled.

"Leave her alone. Im sure we can make out a deal." I yelled.

"A deal." He laughed.

"Y-Yes a deal." I said frantically.

"I don't normally do this." I replied.

"What kind of deal." The voice replied.

"If you give me the girl ill get you into heaven." I smirked.

He began chuckling and I could tell I peaked his intrest.


"Ill bring the girl here and then I want an entrance into heaven." He spoke.

I nodded my head and sat down.

"Ill be back." He chuckled.

▪~~~~~Aphmau's POV~~~~~▪

I rubbed my eyes as I began to see what happened. I looked around me and noticed it was dark. After I went after that figure it disappeared and I fell asleep. I felt a shiver go down my spine. I looked around me and the darkness started too fade. I looked down and noticed I was sitting on a pentagon. There was blood everywhere. I felt myself gag at the sight of blood. I got up off the floor and looked around. In front of me was a gate. The sky was also black and there was a red moon. I sighed and walked up too the gate. I looked up and giggled a bit at the sign,

"Welcome To Hell!"

I smirked too myself and sat outside the gate. Of course. Why am I not surprised that I ended up here. I looked in the gate and watched as people ran around. I sighed and got up off the floor. I began to walk away from the gate. I felt something brush against my back and I jumped up. I turned around and watched as a shadow flew around me. I growled lowly and it began to get a lot more darker around me. Everything began to fade and I appeared in the dark place again.

"Where am I.." I mumbled.

"In hell." A male voice laughed.

"No shit." I replied.

"Oo we have a mouthy one here." A voice chuckled.

"Shut up." I growled.

I felt another wind pass me and I flew too the floor. I coughed a bit and a dark figure approched me.

"Don't piss me off." He smiled.

This person was strange. But it wasn't really a person. It was a shadow. I could see there eyes and smile but that was about it. I rolled my eyes and my neck was grabbed. They lifted me up into the air and I gasped.

"Be a good girl now." He said with a crazy smile.

"No." I replied.

He dropped me too the ground and I looked up at him emotionless. He growled at me and I ignored him looking down at the floor.

"Your such a worthless thing." He yelled.

I looked up at him and he seemed pissed now.

"Who are you?" I questioned him.

"Take a guess hun." He smirked.

I smiled too myself and replied,

"Some weirdo who got shot because he was a perverted bastard and he ended up in hell because heaven didn't want him."

He flew down at me and pinned me too the ground.

"Shut up." He growled.

"No seriously who are you?" I questioned him in confusion.

He rolled his eyes and picked me up.

"How can this air head like you." He mumbled to myself.

"What was that? Also where am I going?" I questioned him.

"Shut up for once." He yelled.

"Don't tell me to shut up. Where are we going? Also you still haven't told me who you are?" He put a hand over my mouth and I tried too bite him.

He growled a bit and I just excepted it. He began to walk into the darkness and he held out his hand. A red light began to appear infront of his hand. The red light bursted open and a portal appeared in front of him and he walked through it. He appeared in the air and I looked down. A blue heart appeared under us and a man sat down on a rock beside it. He sighed and I looked up at the figure.

"Pathetic." He mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and he looked at me. He smiled a bit and I gave him a dirty look. He let go of me and I began to fall to the ground. I screamed as fell but stopped right at the bottom. The man on the rock stood up. He looked at me and I looked at him confused. He walked up to me and held out his hand. I growled at him and he was taken aback. I got up off the ground and looked up. The figure disappeared and the boy infront of me began looking around.

"Give me the key." An unknown voice spoke.

The boy infront of me took a key out of his pocket and placed it down on the heart. A shadow swept by and the key was gone.

"The girl is all yours." He chuckled.

The figure disappeared and I turned to the guy.

"Where am I." I growled.

He looked down at the floor and looked back up.

"Heaven." He replied.

"But I killed myself." I questioned him.

He smiled at me and walked up too me. He picked me up and I yelped.

"I love you." He smiled.

I jumped out of his hands and fell too the floor.

"What?" I replied.

"I know you know nothing about me but ive fallen for you." He smiled.

My face went white and I felt trapped.
They all pretended to love me. So why would he be any different. He may be a angel but can I trust him. He could he just like everyone else. He could have just got into heaven by acting nice but in reality hes cruel and mean. I looked over at him again and he smiled. He held out his hand and I nodded my head.

"Who are you?" I questioned him.

"Your guardian angel." He replied.

"Whats your name?" I asked.


Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now