°•°10°•° Heaven or Hell

376 13 13

I felt fear wash over me and I tried to get around the desk. I poked my head out the other side and snuck around. I quitely got up off the floor and tiped toed to the door. Reaching out for the door I felt a hand push me into the wall and I squealed. Who ever it was put a hand over my mouth and grolwed. I shut up.

"What are you doing here..." The figure growled.

"I didnt know you had a human form."

"Im going to ask you this again, what are you doing here?" He whispered.

"Not until you tell me what the hells going on." I demanded.

"What do you mean." He said whispering into my ear.

"Who are you." I asked him.

"Thats non of your bussiness." He growled.

"I wanna go home.." I whimpered.

"This is your home now..." He replied.

"No.." I mumbled.

"I wanna end the deal.."

"You can't get out of the deal now." He chuckled.

"Why not..." I growled.

"Because I already saved you." He replied.

"Send me back I can deal with whatever happens." I whimpered.

"Can you really deal with it?" He asked.

"Yes.." I replied.

He pushed me off against the door and threw me to the floor. He put his foot on my head and I looked to the side of the floor. He threw something down and a video appeared. It was the same town that I was in with Laurence. The place was red now. People were running and screaming while others were tied down to the ground.

"Could you deal with that?" He asked me.

"Y-Yes get me a gun and some bullets and ill be fine." I replied.

He removed his foot from my face and I looked up. I still couldn't see what he looked like. He had a mask over his face as well. A black mask and a cloak. He picked me up by my collar and put me on his desk. He rubbed my head pulled out a gun. He put the gun down beside me with a few rounds. He took out knives and placed them down as well. I looked at him with wide eyes and he chuckled.

"You're actually letting me go??" I asked him.

"Yes." He replied.

He turned around and stuck his hand out. He took a key out and a portal began to form infront of him. He turned to me and held out his hand. I took the guns and grabbed his hand. He led me to the portal and I jumped in.

▪~~~~~??? POV~~~~~▪

I looked around me as I began to wake up again. I noticed I was in a cell now. I looked beside me. He was in the other cell beside me. I growled at this and tried to get up. I was pulled back by a large chain. I growled and looked up. A portal opened up infront of my cell and I leaned back on the wall. A figure walked out and glared down at me. They put a key back in there pocket and the portal behind them disappeared.

"Let me go." I yelled.

"Give me a good reason? You came into my house without permission?" He yelled.

"The girl." I replied.

"Its too late." He chuckled.

"What do you mean!" I yelled.

"Shes gone she left." He replied.

He turned away from me and pulled out a key. Using the key he opened up a portal and I realized where he was going. He walked into heaven and my face turned white.

▪~~~~~Aphmaus POV~~~~~▪

I jumped through the portal and fell into the town. Looking around me I noticed people running and screaming. It was just as that guy showed me. I ran into an alleyway and peaked out. People were tied to the ground. I pulled out my gun and ran down the alley. I made a few twists and turns and decided to make my way to the control center. I ran to the back door and quitely opened them. I don't know why I was here. Something was just calling me. I opened up the door and sneaked inside. I looked around me and was shocked. People were in here. A lot of people. I sneaked over to the control section and hid behind a machine. I peaked out. People were being brought in and tied up. They were all thrown to the ground. There were guards surronding everyone. A light flicked on and it directed right beside me. I flipped over making sure I was behind who ever it was. I peaked out and others turned to them. The figure walked up. It was the shadow. He was wearing his cloak and everything.

Who the hell was he and why did he let me go.

"Lets up get these people to hell and get them working!" He yelled.

"I don't want a single person left behind. My plans will not fail again!" He shouted.

The guards cheered and yelled and he put his hand in his pocket.

"God will save us!" Someone yelled.

"God can't save you." He chuckled.

He pulled out a key and dangled it infront of others. They all gasped and he chuckled. He put the key away and pulled out the blue diamond. People gasped again and my eyes went huge. It was almost fully red. But there was still a little blue left. I got up off the ground and jumped at him. He fell to the ground and I put a gun to his head.

"Give me the diamond shadow." I growled.

He began chuckling and I could see him smiling.

"I didn't think you would use my guns on me." He replied.

"Give me the diamond and let them go." I grolwed.

He began laughing more and guards began to approch me. I jumped off shadow and began shooting the guards. The guards began shooting at me and the shadow jumped up. He grabbed me and pulled me into him taking every shot.

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora