°•°12°•° Masks Up

353 14 15

I kicked him in the stomach and he fell back a bit. I quickly got out of his way and opened the door. I ran out of the room and he chased after me. I looked back behind me and noticed him running after me.

I ran down the halls and the adrenaline began to kick in. I had to get away from him.

I felt him grab my wrist and I screamed. He pushed me down to the ground and I looked behind me. He sat on my back and looked down at me.

"Don't be a bad girl or ill have to lock you up again." He laughed.

I growled and tried to get up.

"No no." He said.

I whimpered and he patted my head.

"We are going to go back to my room and you are gonna be a good obedient girl." He said smirking.

I tried to kick him but he wouldn't let me go. He got up off of me and picked me up. I reached out for his face and he moved my hand away.

"No." He said coldly.

I pouted and he began to walk back to his room.

He opened up the door and locked it behind us. He walked over to his bed and placed me down.

"Stay here ill be back in a bit." He growled.

I rolled my eyes and he walked towards the door. Unlocking the door he opened it up and left the room. I heard a click and I walked over to the door. I tried to unlock it but he locked it from the front.

I backed away from the door and looked around. His room was empty. There was a bed and a couple of doors. There were no windows so escape would be hard. I walked over to his bed and laid down.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

▪~~~~~??? POV~~~~~▪

I looked around me as I felt guilt and pain begin to hit me.

I let him take her away from me. I made her yet I was no longer in control of her. She had her own will now. He would take her away from me and never return her.

I heard footsteps walk down the halls and I growled. I knew who it was at this point. For gosh sake he was checking on me a lot.

The shadow stopped infront of my cell and looked down at me. I slowly looked up at him.

"What do you want?" I asked weakly.

"Nothing." He laughed.

"Please don't hurt her." I begged getting on my knees.

"I can't make any promises." He replied.

"Lets make a deal." He smirked.

I felt my heart stop and I nodded my head.

"Ill let you go."

My eyes went huge and I smiled.


Of course there was a but.

"You will never get near her again and if I ever catch you. I will kill you." He growled.

"And what if I say no?" I asked him.

He began laughing and he looked down at me.

"Well then I guess ill just have to play around with your girl for a bit."

I felt my heart beating fast.

"Okay." I said.

He smiled and opened up the cage. Opening up the cage he walked over to me. He bent down to my legs and touched the chains. The chains began to disappear and he took a needle out. He stabbed it into my arm and I fell to the ground.

I wasn't able to move. That meant I had to comply with him for now.

He picked me up off the ground and walked out of the cage. Guards approched us and he dropped me into there arms. They walked me over to the door and I looked back to glare at him.

▪~~~~~Shadows POV~~~~~▪

I walked down the hall and began to head back to my room.

Ive had enough with him. If he even cared the slightest bit about her he wouldn't have put her through so much torture.

While walking down the hall I saw someone in the distance. They began to come into view and stopped. I quickly walked over to them and they seemed nervous.

"I-Im so sorry." He stuttered.

"About?" I asked pretending to be confused.

"The girl got away." He mumbled.

I punched him across the face and he fell to the ground.

"Your lucky she wond up in my room otherwise I would have killed you and everything you love." I yelled.

He looked up at me with huge eyes and took a breath in.

"Im sorry." He said.

"Ill forigve you one last time." I growled.

He always found some way to piss me off.

"Want me to put her in the cell?" He asked.

"No." I replied.

He sighed and got up off the floor.

"So Aaron." I growled.

He looked at me with huge eyes and scratched the back of his head.

"Im sorry." He laughed.

"Next time pick a better name." I mumbled.

He nodded his head and looked at me.

"I should get going see you!" He yelled.

He ran past me and I smirked. I headed further down the hallway and stopped infront of my room.

I unlocked the door and opened it up. Opening the door I peaked inside to find her sleeping.

I walked into my room and quitely closed the door shut behind me. I walked over to the bed and looked down at her.

She was laying down on the bed peacefully. I picked her up off the bed and placed her under the covers. I quickly slipped under with her and closed my eyes.

▪~~~~~Aphmaus POV~~~~~▪

I slowly opened up my eyes.

I must have fallen asleep while I was on his bed. I ajusted my eyes to the room and turned over on my side.

My heart started racing fast and I noticed the shadow sleeping right beside me. I giggled at that and my eyes lit up.

I had an opportunity.

I reached out for his mask and slowly lifted it up. My face turned red and it slowly slid off his face. I couldn't see his eyes. They were closed shut meaning he really was asleep.

He had black hair that fell down his face. I moved his hair out of his eyes and my face turned red.

He was hot.

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now