°•°4°•° God's Blue Diamond

476 11 20

Laurence began walking around and I followed after him.

"Where are we?" I said in awe.

"The main control center." He answered.

"What do you mean by main control area?" I questioned him.

"Well let me show you." He smiled and I nodded my head.

He apporached one part of the area and it was a control panel with a tv.

"This here controls the dreams that everyone has. If you want to pick a certian person you press the green button and if you wanna give them all the same dream you press this button right here!" He said pointing at a blue button.

"Wanna try it out." He smirked.

I nodded my head and ran up to the controls. I clicked on the green button and a search bar appeared on the screen. I smirked too myself and thought of a name.

Who should I do.

I began to type in my fathers name:

Zack Phoenix

I searched his name and pressed on it. I began to draw out a dream for him. I finished drawing it out and I pressed the spectate button.

My dad ran through the house and seemed fear full. He ran into a corner and a shadow appeared on the ground. It began to creep up towards him and he screamed. I began to come out of the shadow and I smiled at him.

"Y-You." He yelled.

"Zack. " I smiled.

A knife appeare in my hand and I began to stab him. He screamed in pain and eventually the dream ended. I pressed on the green button again and thought about who would be next. Only problem I didn't really know anyone. I went to the search bar and sat there. I sighed not knowing who I wanted to pick. I began to type a random name,

"Aaron Ly-"

The system turned off and I jumped back.

"Laurence what did you do?" I questioned him.

"Nothing.." He said shocked.

I looked at him eyes wide and gulped.

"L-Lets move on." He stuttered.

We began to walk further on in and we stopped again in front of a much bigger control.

"This hear is the system which we made humans with. You can design and chose how you want someones life to go." He smiled.

I nodded my head and walked up to the machine.

"Can I?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and I smiled.

I pressed on the control panel and it lit up. I began to create a female. She had brown hair. She would live till 16 and I would give her the life I never had. I made her born into a rich family and made sure she was sweet and kind. I also made sure she had friends who wouldn't betray her. People who would love her for who she is.

"How do I finish it?" I questioned him.

"Press the red button to the left." He smirked.

I pressed the button and the girl began to create. I smiled too myself and turned back to Laurence.

"So whats next." I smirked.

"Well follow me and Ill show you." He smiled.

He snuck off a bit more and I went after him. We appeared in another room and I looked around. There was a small case up a head. We approched the case and I looked down. There was a glass case that held a jewel inside of it. It was a blue diamond.

"What is that." I mumbled.

"Its the gem of heaven. It controls everything here." He said proudly.

"But what about God?" I questioned him.

Laurence looked down at the ground and gulped. He looked back up and smiled.

"Well of course God does as well but this Gem keeps the demons out." He smiled.

I nodded my head and inspected the diamond more. It was a strange.

"Ill be right back." Laurence said.

He ran out the room quickly and I took this as my chance to touch the diamond. I opened up the case and looked at the diamond. It seemed nice. I picked it up with my hand and smiled. It really was beautiful. I turned it over to the back and I dropped it. Thankfully catching it I quickly placed the diamond back down with the case over it.

The back side of the diamond was red. It was like the red in the diamond was merging with the blue. I jumped up as I heard foot steps walk back into the room.

"You didn't touch the diamond right?" He questioned me.

I nodded my head but let my curiousity take over,

"Can I touch it-"

"No!" He quickly Interupted.

"Why not?" I questioned him.

"Because only God can everyone else is forbidden to." He replied.

I nodded my head and spoke,

"Maybe we should head home now."

He nodded his head and went towards the exit. I followed after him and once we were there I turned off the lights making it seem like we were never there. We walked out the back doors and snuck back over to Laurences house. Once we were there we headed back inside.

"Em so where do I sleep?" I questioned him.

"You can sleep in the extra bed room its over there night." He replied pointing at a room.

I walked over to the spare bedroom and decided to get some sleep.


It was finally the morning. I stretched as I sat in my bed. I heard Laurence scream and come running in my room. My eyes went huge and he looked like he was a chicken running around without his head.

"What happened?!?" I yelled.

He started breathing heavily and spoke

"The blue d-diamond s-someone stole it."

Aarmau AU ♡• A True Understanding•♡Where stories live. Discover now