Chapter 17

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After having no sleep the night before i rolled off the bed and went into the kitchen where Rebel was with the other girls.

"good morning sleepy head." rebel teased me.

"hey." i said as i slumped down into the chair.

"whats up?" Anna.k. questioned

"eh. nothing forget about it." i said as i sipped on a cup of tea. 

"seriously whats wrong." Alexis questioned. 

i must of stared for a bit to long because i was snapped out of my day dream by rebel placing a bowl of frosted flakes in front of me. 

"nothing, im just gonna go think for a bit." i said to the girls as i grabbed my towel and my blue bikinis and headed to the pool i jumped into the little hot tub next to it and thought about the whole situation, it was completely fucked up, i'm straight, well i think i am. I sigh before sitting for another ten minutes and getting out. I grabbed my phone and sat on a red and white sun lounger. <anyone know what movie this situation is from> i scrolled through my contacts and before long i had found Alexis. I started to text her it read, "Alexis i don't even know where to begin we have been great friends ever since i joined the cast and when you are not around i miss you, i thought it was in a friend way but i know it isn't, i wanna feel your lips press against mine, i wanna date you, i think i'm in love with you Alexis." i meant to press cancel but i was knocked by some stupid kid running past and my finger hit the sent button. 

"SHITT." i yelled

"can i help you?" a waitress asked me.

"um no thanks i am okay." i replied.

I waited anxiously for around 10 mins and i saw that she had seen the text, then all of a sudden the typing notification came. A text soon followed and it read- i'm not sure what to say, i think i like you too but i'm confused by my feelings, do you wanna get dinner tonight and discuss things.

I couldn't believe it, my crush had told me that she thought she liked me, i was scared though because i didn't know how to explain to the other girls and my family. I rushed up to the hotel room and saw Alexis there. 

"hey." i said kind if awkwardly.

"hey." she said as she walked closer to me

"what time is dinner." i asked

"around 6:30 i will come get you from your room" Alexis said as she hugged me, i felt myself blushing. 

"okay." i said as i watched her leave the room. I got dressed into a blue dress that reached the middle of my thighs, i did my makeup quickly and grabbed my bag before i headed to the door where Alexis was standing, what happened next was something that i cannot explain. 

Authors note: hey guys so thanks so much again for over 300 reads this is insane, sorry about the  cliffhanger im a mean person lol. Thanks again guys, Cya Xx

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