24. Goodbye

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Alex's p.o.v

"Alright campers, today is the day. Thank you all for coming to Camp Renegade, hope you all had a great time here and made new friends." Dallon says loudly so everyone can hear him. "As much as I hate to see you all leave, your parents will be here soon to pick you up, so go collect your belongings and meet at the front" he finishes with a smile, walking towards Andy and starting a conversation with him.

Rian groans from beside Zack. "My mom is picking me up early, how lame is that!" he adds with a roll of his eyes.

"That sucks dude, text me when you get home and we can hang out later" Zack smiles at Rian.

He nods slightly, answering a quiet "alright"


When we made it back to the cabin the guys started packing up right away. I planned on doing the same, but when we got there I just couldn't. It was like I was frozen. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want to pack up. I wanted this summer to last as long as it does on Phineas and Ferb.

I know I've talked about not wanting to leave multiple times, but it was never a strong of a feeling as it is right now.

When I first got here I wanted to go home right away, and now it was the opposite. That seems crazy to me. I had my mind so set that I would hate this place, which is still kinda true, but that doesn't mean I want to leave.

I have so many good memories at this camp. Like the time when Pete Wentz went swimming with eyeliner on and it ran down his face, or that time Vic Fuentes got a marshmallow stuck in his hair. I don't want to leave those memories here, I want to continue to make more.

This was the best summer I've ever had in my seventeen years of life, I want to hold onto it. These past two months went by way too fast for my liking. I wish camp was longer.

God, why does this hurt so much?

"You ok Lex?" Jack asks, worry shining in his eyes.

Zack and Rian stop packing to look at me awaiting my answer. They look worried as well. I feel bad that their attention is on me when they should be packing like they were told to. I've never liked being the center of attention

"...no" I whisper looking down at the ground. I felt the tears building up in my eyes but I blinked them away, willing myself not to cry. "I just...I'm gonna miss you guys so much" my voice was starting to shake and it was getting harder to hold back my tears.

"Aw Alex, baby" Jack walks over to me, holding my against his chest.

My brain screamed for me not to do it, but my body didn't listen.

I cried.

And not a few tears. I broke down in ugly sobs probably soaking Jack's shirt, but I knew he wouldn't mind. I continued to cry as two more pair of arms wrapped around me and Jack.

We all stayed together in a group hug for a long moment before I pulled away to wipe my face of my cold tears.

I looked up to face the guys, noticing Jack wipe his eyes as well. Rian turned around to wipe his face thinking that nobody would notice.

"Rian are you crying?" Zack (the only one who wasn't crying) teased.

He turns around looking embarrassed. "N-no...my eyes are just...sweating. It's hot in here alright!" He defends himself.

"That's not how the human body works Rian" I laugh lightly, recovering from my sobbing fit.

"Whatever. I have to continue packing, my mom will be here soon" he quickly changes the subject, turning around and going back to his bag, Zack doing the same.

"Come on, let's get you packed up" Jack says softly, he grabs my hand, pulling me over to our shared bunk where my suitcase was placed.

Taking a deep breath I nod, letting him help me collect my things and put them away.


I watched impatiently as campers all got into their parents cars. Zack and Rian had left and it was just me and Jack now. Well not just me and Jack, there's still other people here, but no one that I recognize.

As Rian was leaving I told him to look out for Jack for me and I hope I see all three of them in my future. He gave me a bone crushing hug and one last smile from his blindly white teeth before he left.

I told Zack that I would miss him as well and I hope him and Rian have a great time hanging out together. He was confused when I winked after saying that, but I wasn't surprised, he's pretty clueless.

What can I say? I kinda of ship those two.

Now I was left with Jack holding my hand as I nervously wait for my mom to come get me.

When my mom finally showed up my heart stopped.

It felt like I swallowed a rock.

I suddenly felt detached from everything around me. Nothing felt real, it felt like I was in a dream. I know this feeling all too well, I'm having a panic attack. My heart thumping in my chest, my palms becoming sweaty, my breathing getting faster and more uneven.

Trying my best to calm myself down I wave at my mom, pretending that I'm okay and making sure I don't worry anyone.

She honked the horn making a hand gesture for me to get in the car. I hold up my index finger, silently telling her to give me a minute. She nods pulling out her phone and texting someone or something, I don't know.

"Here, I want you to have this" Jack tells me, taking off his hoodie and handing it to me.

I shake my head at him. "I can't, it's your hoodie, you should keep it" I decline sheepishly. Of course I wanted the hoodie, but I always feel bad when people give me stuff. I always have.

"You can give it back to me when when you move in" he smiles brightly at me.

I smile back, a small, sad laugh escaping my lips. "Deal."

I slip on the hoodie, taking in the sent of Jack. He always smells like home and I love it. He smells the way you would imagine warmth would smell like.

I'm not making sense am I?

The taller boy glances at my moms car quickly, than back at me with an unsure look on his face. "Does your mom know you're gay?" He asks.


"Good!" and with that he presses his lips against mine in a passionate kiss, full of love and emotion. His hands cupping my face causing me to blush.

The kiss brought me back down to earth. It snapped me right back into reality and I didn't feel detached. Everything felt right.

It always does when I'm with Jack.

I wasted no time kissing back and wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands rested on my face. I pulled back first, resting my head against his softly. I knew if I didn't pull away we would be here forever, which I wouldn't mind, but I think my mom would.

"Goodbye Jacky" I kiss his lips one more time before pulling away from him completely, ignoring my body screaming for him to hold me again.

"Goodbye Lex"


~I hate the goodbyes, but I won't forget the good times~

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