8. There's A Time Skip In This Chapter

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Alex's p.o.v

two weeks...

I've been at this camp for two weeks now.

Since I've been here I've learned that all the camp councilors are annoyingly upbeat and cheerful- well maybe not Hayley...she seems fake happy. But besides her all the other councilors make me want to duct tape their mouths closed.

I've also learned that most of the food here is absolutely disgusting, and that every guy at this camp is really attractive and I'm trying my best to hide the fact that I am a flaming homo.

I'm getting distracted, I'm supposed to be swimming.

"CANON BALL!" some emo guy yells as he jumps into the lake, his eyeliner magically staying in perfect condition after he comes back up to the surface.

A strawberry blond laughs beside me, shaking his head at his crazy friend. All the other boys are swimming while me and a boy named Patrick sit by the water watching them, too insecure to take our shirts of and go swimming with them.

Jack, Zack and Rian are all splashing around and smiling at each other. They looked so content goofing off, but Jack kept glancing at me every few seconds for some unknown reason.

To awkward to start a conversation with Patrick, I head over to the edge of the water trying not to die of boredom.

I splash my toes in the water, focusing on the tiny rocks moving under my feet and the smooth waves of the lake splashing at my ankles.


My head shoots up, startled by the sudden noise.

It's just Jack.

"Hi Jack" I smile slightly.

He grins deviously at me, stepping closer to me.

"What are you-HEY!" My question was interrupted by Jack picking me up bridal style.

Of course he picked that way to carry me.

"JACK PUT ME DOWN!" I squirm, trying my hardest to get out of his grasp.

He just laughs at my attempt. "Cute, but no"

He steps deeper and deeper into the water.

"Jack" I try to wine, but it just comes out as a laugh.

He stops for a minute, smiling at me innocently...too innocently.

Next thing I know he throws me into the water, making the shirt I was wearing soaked. I quickly swim to surface, wiping my eyes and pulling my hair back so it's not in my face. Not to mention that douche got fucking water up my nose.

I glare at the taller boy.

He throws his arms up in surrender, smirking smugly. "What? I thought you like when I make you wet?" Jack asks. Haha kinda sounds like jackass.

How fitting.

I tried my best to keep a straight face, but a laugh managed to crack through.

Damn it!

"Shut up" I splash him.

He smiles at me, a unfamiliar look covering his features. Only for a split second before it disappeared.

We just look at each other, longer than most humans probably should, neither of us trying to look away, just staring at each other longingly.

"Dude, that's gay" Rian shouts at us jokingly.

"So am I" I yell back, turning my head to look at him.

All four of us laugh together.

Gay jokes are the key to friendship.


Dinner was gross as usual.

They made us mushy soup that tasted like sadness. Not to mention mine had a hair in it, and it wasn't from anyone at our table.

God I hate this camp.

My cabin mates are pretty cool though.

After dinner all four of us made our way back to the cabin. They all passed out around midnight and it's two in the morning now.

Of course I'm still awake, like always.

As much I try, my tired eyes refuse to close.

I sigh, climbing down the ladder like every other night. I usually grab the guitar Dallon gave me and play some songs on the roof.

God, I sound like such a hipster.

This night was different though. Instead of grabbing my guitar Jack grabbed my wrist, stopping me in my tracks.

"Alex this is the forth time I've caught you sneaking out of the cabin, do you do this every night?" He asks tiredly.

"Yeah." I mumble in embarrassment.

"Here." he lets go of me to pull up the blankets.


"Are you asking me to sleep in your bed with you?"

"It's safer than the roof, which I'm assuming you're going to"

he's got a point.

I sigh knowing he's right. "Fine" I carefully crawl into bed with him.

Damn, he's so warm.

"Goodnight Alex" he wraps his arms around my torso, cuddling me.

"Goodnight Jack" I try my best to make sure my voice doesn't crack or waver, because holy shit my crush is cuddling into me.

I don't know why he pulled me into bed with him, I mean, if he thinks this is going to help me sleep then he is...right?


I update a lot.

Mostly in the morning when I can't sleep, like now since it's 3:42

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