21. Summer Mornings

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Alex's p.o.v

I woke up first?

I was the first one to wake up in our cabin. Everyone else is sound asleep and I'm wide awake and well rested. It feels wrong, I've never been up first and never have I been this awake before. It feels nice though, I quite enjoy it.

I didn't get to enjoy it long before my brain decided to remind me about what happened last night though, I can't remember everything but I do remember bits and pieces.

I remember that Zack and Rian were shit face drunk, but that's not that interesting, it doesn't take much to get Rian drunk, he's a light weight and I thought it was kinda funny.

I remember Jack dragging me to the roof for some reason, I remember making out with him and it got heated. I think I took my hoodie off and-

Oh shit...

I remember most things after that. How he saw my arms how he looked at me with those pity filled eyes that I hate so much. I told him I would try to stop and then something about wanting to live with him?

Oh right!

We made a deal that if I'm still alive when we're both thirty we would be roomates. I forgot my dumb drunk ass told him I didn't think I would be around then.

This is why I shouldn't drink, I let things slip that I would never dare say if I was sober.

I'm such an idiot, who knows what else I said while I was drunk. Probably something stupid. I want to ask Jack about everything that happened last night, but I also don't want to remind him about stuff in case there's a chance he forgot.

I'm not a very open person, I don't like sharing my feelings or having deep conversations with people, they make me uncomfortable.

Let's just say if I was a book I would be one of those journals with the locks on them, except the key has been destroyed.

But Jack managed to pick that lock and read me like no one else ever has. No one else has dared to even think about unlocking the journal. But Jack cared, Jack picked it like it was a booger out of his nose, it was easy for him. It was like the sword and the stone, he's the only one that can do it.

Talking about Jack.

I hear a quiet yawn from beside me and I smile in content when I feel his arms that are wrapped around me pull me closer to him.

"Morning kitten" he whispers in my ear.

Have I ever mentioned how much I absolutely love it when Jack calls me kitten? Because it is a lot.

"Good morning Jacky"

"Are you the first one up? That's odd" he says quietly, his voice still raspy from sleep.

"I know"

"You wanna come outside with me?" He asks, but in the way that it wasn't really a question it was more like telling me nicely. If that makes sense.

I nod pulling off the blanket and getting my shoes.

It was nice outside. I guess it was early in the morning judging by how it looks outside. I haven't been up this early in a really long time, the only time I really see the early morning is when I can't sleep and accidentally stay up until six in the morning.

I love the morning though, I don't usually get to see them, but they make me feel relaxed and reminds me of happier time in my life.

I only like mornings in the spring and summer though, any other season it just pisses me off. In the spring and summer it's usually sunny early in the morning, but it's still slightly chilly out. It's the perfect temperature and just brings a smile to my face.

I'm a simple guy and simple things make me happy.



Hot chocolate


Jack especially.

When we got outside we just sat on the steps leading to the cabin. I was worried about why Jack wanted to drag me out here. Did he want to talk about last night, or did he just want to be alone together.

"Why did you bring me out here Jack?" I ask softly, looking at the grass in front of me instead of at him.

"I wanted to talk about last night"

I could feel his eyes burning into the side of my head but I didn't want to look at him. I was scared. I'm so used to running away from my problems I forgot how to face them straight on.

"Oh" I reply simply, not really knowing what else to say.

"Do you remember it?" He asks.

"I remember what happened on the roof, if that's what you're asking?"

"Yeah..." He trials off.

A moment of silence lingers between us, neither of us knowing exactly what to say. I was glad when Jack spoke up again, until my brain registered what he was saying.

"You never told me why you did it"

"I never wanted to" I state bluntly, still looking ahead. I hadn't looked at him a single time since we've sat down and I could tell he wanted me to, but I couldn't. I know how he's looking at me and I don't want to see it.

"I don't want to force you or anything, but when you're ready to tell me I would like to know. Who knows, maybe you'll tell me when we're roomates"

I chuckle at that, finally looking at him. "Are we really doing that?"

He grins "of course we are. That ass better be free when you're thirty"

"I hate you" I laugh.

"You love me" he laughs as well, hugging me to his chest.

"I really do"

"I love you too"

Twelve more days...


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