6. Kitten

565 37 12

Alex's p.o.v

Three hours of sleep is enough right?

I sigh looking into the bathroom mirror one last time.

I look and feel like death, my bags that never seem to go away are even darker than usual- which I didn't even know was possible, my hair is a mess, and you can see the emptiness in my eyes.

Jack got way more sleep than I did, so he's bouncing around the cabin disturbing everyone around him.

The usual.

I groggily rub my face, thinking that maybe that would wake me up a little. Spoiler alert, it didn't.

Oh god, how the hell am I supposed to get through the whole day with only three hours of sleep. I probably look like a zombie. I already feel like one for god sakes.

My thoughts were interrupted by someones hand being placed on my shoulder.
"Don't worry man, they serve coffee with breakfast if you ask" Jack tells me with a smile.

I nod right before he takes his hand off of me.

I'm really cold, I usual am, but when I'm tired I get even more cold for some reason. I involuntary shiver.

I would like nothing more than to sleep right now...or die.

Either is fine.

I slump onto Jacks bed, wishing I could crawl under the covers, but we have to go get breakfast so that's not an option.

I'm pretty sure if a normal person was in my situation they would hardly be able to keep their eyes open, but I've been going through this for so many years I'm used to it by now, lack of sleep is nothing new, so I've become a custom to it and have found ways to keep myself awake.

I can stay awake if I want to, but if I'm too comfortable or have the option to sleep I will.

A dip in the mattress disturbs my sleep deprived thoughts. It was the owner of the bed I was sitting on.

"How are you doing?" Jack asks.

Assuming he's talking about my lack of sleep I answer him. "I'm fine, I'm used to getting little to no sleep. I'm just cold I guess" I shrug.

"Here" he takes of his hoodie placing it on my shoulders, over top of the hoodie I'm already wearing.

"Thanks" I offer a soft smile. I usually don't like being given things, but I was too tired and cold to care at this moment.

"You ok Alex?" Rian asks giving me a concerned look.

"Yeah, just a little tired"

understatement of the year.

"I understand, the first time I came here I could barely sleep, I was so used to being at home." he smiles warmly at me, showing his pearly whites.

I nod, not really wanting to explain that I can't sleep no matter where I go.

I rest my head on Jack's shoulder, too tired to keep my head up.

It definitely wasn't because he's cute and I wanted to lean on him.


Not that.

"You're in luck, we don't have any activities today because it's saturday. Though we are having a camp fire later tonight."

"How do you know all this stuff" I question the comfy boy.

He chuckles slightly "I've been coming to this camp for yearst. That's how I met these two doofuses" he points to Zack and Rian who are both giving him a jokingly dirty look.

Even though I've only know these guys for a day, I'm comfortable with them, which is very rare. They're just really fun to be around and brighten up my mood I guess.

Next thing I know Jack is pulling me up from the bed and wrapping his arm around my shoulder, just as he had done yesterday. "Time for breakfast kitten"

Kitten? That's new.


I regret what I said about the food being good.

Breakfast is disgusting. The eggs are flavorless, the sausages are greasy as hell, and the the toast is burnt and stale. I'd rather eat my own shoe than this meal again. Ok maybe not, since my shoes are filled with feet sweat, but still, the food is pretty gross.

That's not even the worst part, by the time they got around to serving our table there was no more coffee left.

Just my luck.

Jack's sitting beside me again, so in my tired state I decide to lean my head on his shoulder again, hoping he doesn't mind.

He's pretty comfortable.

I usually don't like social interaction and touching other humans...but Jack seems to be the only exception.

(*paramore starts playing*)

As I mentioned previously, I'm tired as fuck and Jack is very comfortable. So added together...I might have fallen asleep on him.

Well I'm just guessing considering next thing I know, I'm waking up in Jacks bed from him shaking me slightly.

My eyes flutter open, looking at Jack confused.

He just smiles, standing in front of me, not in a creepy 'I've been watching you sleep' kind of way though. In a comforting way that makes me smile back at him.

"You fell asleep at breakfast, so I decided I should take you back to your bunk, but I'm not strong enough to lift you on to your bed, and Zack and Rian were busy...so I just decided to let you sleep in my bed."

"Thanks Jack." I reply in a groggy tone as I rub my face.

He nods. "You slept through lunch, but I woke you up for dinner" he walks away stopping at the door. "You're cute when you're sleepy by the way" and with that he walks away with a smirk, leaving me shocked.

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