4. Boner Boy and Sweater Paws

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Alex's p.o.v

All four of us went back to the cabin to get changed into some clothes we could wear in the water. Which is totally fine, except for the fact that instead of getting changed, I'm getting distracted by half naked boys in the same room as me.

Zack has the tightest abs I've seen, Rian must hit the gym regularly, because damn that guy is ripped, and fucking Jack has a killer v line that I think is literally making me sweat.

I'm actually suprised I'm not drooling.

I really need to get changed instead of staring at them, or else I'm gonna have a fucking tent in pants.

Get it? Tent...because we're at camp.

No? Ok...

I quickly change into a pair of black shorts with white skulls on them, slipping off my hoodie revealing my long sleeve blink-182 shirt that my mom had bought me for my birthday last year.

"Dude! You like blink?!" Jack (who now has a shirt on) exclaims, looking at me with wide eyes, smiling excitedly at me.

"Yeah! I fricken love them!" I grin back at him.

Zack and Rian turn their attention to the two of us. "We should start leaving now before Jack goes on a rant about how much he loves blink" Rian jokes, heading out the door of the cabin.

"Whatever" Jack laughs heading after him. Zack leaving after that and me last.


"Alright!" Dallon claps his hands together. "Everyone pick a partner, I have two canoes for two people and one canoe for three, you get to decide who gets what."

The camp councilor had already explained the safety rules, and even gave us life jackets which I think is ridicules since we're teenagers and we definitely don't need them, but rules are rules I guess.

"Well take the one for three people" some guy with pastel blue hair yells to Dallon. I think I heard someone call him Awsten?

Dallon nods with a smile, showing that he heard the boy.

"Zack you wanna be my partner?" Rian asks turning to the muscular teen.

"Sure" he shrugs, the two of them immediately starting a random conversation about whatever the fuck they talk about, causing them to ignore everyone around them.

I turn to Jack, who was already looking at me. "I guess you're with me boner boy"

Jack laughs shaking his head "what?"

"You're shirt" I reply, pointing to his black shirt that has Boner written on it in big bold red letters.

"Oohhhh" he laughs, stretching out the word.

"Alright, if everything is figured out let's get into the water then" Dallon speaks up, interrupting everyones conversation.

Me and Jack got a dark blue canoe because we're cool like that, while Zack and Rian got red and the other three boys got yellow.

Dallon paddles up in front all of us with his black canoe, instructing us on what to do. Basically you just paddle in a certain pattern and everything should be fine.

But me being me, fucked it up.

I don't know what I did but some how I flipped mine and Jack's canoe upside down, and we ended up in the water.

"Oh my god Jack! I'm so-...are you laughing?"

His laughter settles down so he can answer my question "it's fine Alex, this is more fun anyways" he takes of his life jacket, flinging it into Dallon's canoe in one try. It was quite impressive not gonna lie.

"Hey! Barakat put your life jacket back on" Dallon yells, stopping the rest of the group from continuing.

"Nah" he chuckles, swimming around in the water.

"Jack, please listen to the rules!" Dallon orders.

Jack ignores his wishes, splashing around with a satisfied smile on his face.

Jack seriously what the fuck?

"THAT'S IT! JACK, ALEX GO BACK TO YOUR CABIN NOW!" Dallon yells. I didn't even know Dallon had any other emotion than overwhelming happiness. It was weird to hear him use that tone with us.

"Why me, I didn't even do anything?" I exclaim, still bobbing around in the water.

"I will see you both at dinner" he points to the camp, silently telling us to leave.

"But I-"

"GO!" The councilor interrupts, his voice quite stern.

I sigh giving Jack a dirty look.


"You know, I was thinking... boner boy and sweater paws would be a pretty cool super hero duo" Jack says from the bottom bunk.

Ever since we got back from canoeing we've just being lying around on our beds doing nothing in particular, pretty much just sitting in an uncomfortable silence, so I was actually pretty glad he had spoke up.

I chuckle at Jack's statement "what would our super powers even be?" I ask.

"I would have the ability to make people have random boners...even girls. And you would have the ability to distract everyone with your adorableness, but you already do that so it's not much of a super power."

I smile a little to myself, before clearing my face of emotion. "If I wasn't mad at you I would be flattered" I tell him staring up at the green mold growing on the ceiling.

I hear shuffling from below me before Jack appears beside me, standing on the bottom bunk so he can be face to face with me.

"And why would you be mad at me?"

Is he serious?

I snap my head to the left, looking into his eyes. "I can't tell if you're joking or not"

"Why are you mad?" he asks tilting his head to the side like a little puppy dog and fuck was it cute.

Damn it Alex, it's the first day!

"Because you got me in trouble for your stupid choices" I sit up starting to get annoyed with the boy.

He just shrugs his shoulders, smirking smugly at me (and fuck me was it attractive)
"at least I get to be alone with a pretty boy"

"You have- wait what?" I stop mid-sentence.

He smiles innocently at me, plunking back down on his bed. "What's your favorite blink-182 song?"

No no no, go back to the pretty boy thing. I would like to talk about that. Why can't I have enough confidence to say stuff like that out loud?

"All the small things is a classic" I respond.

"The rock show has been stuck in my head all week"

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