5. Insomnia

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Alex's p.o.v


It's a thing I've had for years. It kinda makes my life hell, but I deal with it. I mean, It's not like I can't not deal with it. What am I supposed to do, actually go to sleep? No matter how many people try to tell me that, it doesn't fucking work.

Do people even know what insomnia means? To tell someone with insomnia to try to get some sleep is like telling a deaf person to try to hear things better.

I've been laying in my bunk for hours, waiting for sleep that never seems to come. Some how I'm still wide awake, thinking about useless, random shit like usual.

Like why is Dick short for Richard?

I thought that if I relaxed in the dark, sleep would take over my body, but just like every other night...I'm wrong.

A guy can dream though. Well, maybe that's not the best expression to use in this specific situation, but you know what I mean.

I take a deep breath pulling the blankets off my body, carefully and quietly climbing down the ladder of the bunk bed. Making sure not to wake anyone up, I make my way across the room and head out the door of the cabin.

Luckily I sleep in my hoodies like a fucking weirdo, so I was already prepared to go outside.


Jack's p.o.v

I wake up from my dream about chickens falling from the sky by the click of the cabin door, meaning someone either left or came in.

Praying it's not a serial killer, I look to my left seeing that Zack and Rian are still sleeping. Rian is snoring loudly, resembling the sounds of a motorcycle, while Zack sleeps quiet and peacefully.

I groggily get out of bed, checking the top bunk.

Well fuck!

Alex is gone. Normally I would go back to sleep because I'm lazy and tired as fuck, but Alex is cute and I don't want him getting murdered. So like a big boy, I head outside to hunt down the pretty new brunette.

Jesus, it's cold as balls outside.

"Alex?" I whisper yell into the cold air.

He couldn't have gone far, the camp councilors always guard around the cabins. They have ever since some kid escaped camp during the night one time and went missing. They don't guard the cabins themselves, just places where kids could possibly leave.

I yell Alex's name a few more times before giving up trying to look for him. I'm not wearing a jacket and I'm freezing cold, and all I want to do is go back inside and sleep.

I make my way to the wooden cabin, praying that Alex didn't die, but a shuffling sound stops me in my tracks.

It came from...the roof?

How the fuck did he get on the roof?

I check the outside of the cabin looking for a way to get up, my eyes search carefully, checking every possible way. That's when my eyes land on a metal garbage can.

(*cue all the "wow I didn't know I was in this" comments*)

I speed walk over to it, looking up to see if this is the way Alex got up. The cabins aren't very tall, so I guess it's pretty easy to climb up them.

I use my long ass arms and legs and push myself up onto the cabin roof with the little strength I have.

But, as I said, I have very little strength.

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