18. Nachos

440 35 11

Alex's p.o.v

Tonight we had another camp fire. As usual Dallon was grinning like and idiot while he played annoying over played camp fire songs for everyone.

Jack probably ate a dozen smores while I just sat back and watched my cute boyfriend. I didn't even dare go near the smores because those things are sticky as shit, and there is nothing I hate more than sticky stuff.

...well, one sticky substance is acceptable.

About half way through the camp fire Jack leaned over and whispered to me. "I'm gonna tell Dallon I'm using the bathroom, wait a little bit then meet me at the lake"

I open my mouth to speak but before a word can leave my mouth Jack's standing up and announcing that he has to take a whiz.

Not to sound clingy or anything, but when Jack left I felt so alone and helpless. Everyone continued singing songs and stuffing their faces while I anxiously glanced around wondering how long was a good time to wait.

Screw it.

"Dallon I have to use the bathroom as well" without waiting for an answer I quickly rush to the lake to meet Jack.


"Jack!" I whisper yell looking around for him.

"Alex I'm over here" I hear him whisper yell back.

It took a while since it's dark out, but I did eventually find him.

"Why did you ask me to come here?" I ask once I'm comfortable and relaxed.

Currently Jack is laying in the sand by the lake while I rest my head on his lap. We had just been cuddling and talking about random things for the last fifteen minutes, and I only now realized he didn't tell me why he wanted to meet me here.

"I just wanted to be alone with you" he smiles at me, running his fingers through my hair.

Honestly his answer was really cute and made my stomach flutter inside, but me being a dick; I'm not gonna let Jack know that.

"That was so cheesy that now I'm craving nachos"

He chuckles slightly before placing a soft kiss on my lips. It was short and sweet...but that's not what I wanted.

I bite my lip wondering if I should go for it or not. I mean, me and Jack haven't been dating very long...but we are pretty horny teens.

Fuck it.

I swiftly move from my place on the sand to sit on Jack's lap, straddling him. He looks shocked at my sudden movements, though his surprised reaction quickly turned into a cocky smirk.

I lean forward kissing him passionately. It wasn't soft and sweet like usual, this time it was sloppy and heated and god did I love it!

He places his hands on my hips pulling my body closer to his without breaking the kiss. I slowly roll my hips onto his, craving the much needed friction. Loving the quiet moan that came out of his mouth.

I pull away from him slightly to breath "look who's moaning now" I tease.

"Shut up" he scoffs.

laying down he pulls me on top of him.

Leaning down I kiss him heavily, our lips sliding together roughly. The taste of the sugary smores he ate earlier lingered on him, but it just made everything better. I forcefully grind down on him harder than intended, but I doubt he's complaining.

He moans loudly and I take that as an opportunity to slip my tongue in his mouth. He easily gives in letting me take control, winning dominance. It didn't last long though, next thing I know Jack's getting up and pushing me off of him.

I crawl away from him scared that I had messed something up some how.

Did he not want this as much as I did?

Did he even want it at all?

"I'm sorry" I mumble quietly. "Did I go to far?"

Jack looks at me worriedly. "No it was great...really great" he trails off dreamily. He shakes his head snapping back to reality. "Just, someone's gonna come looking for us soon and I don't want them to catch us having sex or something"

I nod in agreement getting up from the sand. "That makes sense, I guess"

He grabs my hand walking us back to the camp fire that we had both abandoned. We walked in a comfortable silence for a while before Jack spoke up

"I really like you" he confesses suddenly.

I smile brightly at him "I really like you too" I give him a small kiss on the lips.

Two and a half more weeks


*cough* I made another Jalex fic you should go read it *cough*

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