17. Happy

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Alex's p.o.v

Everything seems so perfect in my life right now. Me and Jack are dating, which is the best thing in the world, I started sleeping in his bed with him again, which I hadn't done since the first time he kissed me.

I feel happy at this camp now. I'm easily socializing with people and just in an upbeat mood all the time.

It's like being with Jack magically made me happier than I've ever been.

But no matter how happy he makes me, it can't stop one thought that keeps crawling back from the dark side of my brain.

When camps over I'm never gonna see him again. I don't even know where he lives. None of this means anything, we're still young, meaning he could live on his life after camp and forget I ever existed.

The end of camp is only three weeks away.

But I don't want to think of any of that. All I want to focus on is the dork with soft hair, dark brown eyes and the cutest smile that makes me want to squeal like a thirteen year old girl.

I love the way Jack holds my hand while we're eating, and how he gives me little kisses when no ones looking, or the cute little nicknames he calls me.

Dating him is honestly one of the best things that's ever happened to me.

I've had a few boyfriends in the past, but they were all pretty much complete assholes and didn't really treat me the best. Let's just say I don't have the best taste in men, but I think Jack is an exception.

Though since we're dating and sleeping in the same bed every night, it's getting a little... complicated.

After everyone goes to bed me and Jack will usually make out... A lot, and it gets heated most of the time and, well...it's hard not to fuck him right then and there.

What can I say, I'm a horny teenager.

But you can't exactly do the do when your cabin mates are in the same room as you all the time.

I sound like such a man whore wanting to sleep with someone after only a few weeks of dating him. But it's not like he's a stranger, we've been rooming together for a month. plus we're both 17, we're old enough to make our own decisions, it's not like I'm gonna get pregnant.

I can't be that much of a man whore, I mean Jack wants to have sex too. It wouldn't be the first time Jack makes me moan.

My mind replays the invent of the nature walk. Fuck that was so embarrassing, Jack found it pretty amusing but I think it was just because he made me moan.

God, when did camp become so weird and dramatic.

This chapter got really sexual at the end. Sorry, I don't know why I'm apologizing it's not like you guys are complaining.

This chapter is really bad and I feel like I should delete it and try again, but I think it has some important information to the story so I will keep it.

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