23. Don't You Go

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(there's a small time skip from the last chapter)

Jack's p.o.v

Tomorrow is the day.

The day when we leave camp and I have to say goodbye to Alex.

All four of us had a small going away 'party' in our cabin, if you could even call it that. We didn't have alcohol or music, but I guess we still did had fun. I had been thinking about the end of camp all week and it was driving me mad. So when the party made me forget about tomorrow completely, it felt good, I was finally relaxed.

But I knew it wouldn't last. Me and Alex have to talk about what's going on tomorrow.
I don't want to and I know he doesn't either, but we both agreed that it needed to be taken care of.

So after Zack and Rian fell asleep the two of us snuck out of the cabin as quietly as we could and climbed onto the roof. A place that is easily becoming one of my favorites since meeting Alex.

I climbed up first extending my hand to help Alex up. I pulled him over to the ledge by his hand so we could watch the slowly rising sun in front of us. Alex has told me before he thinks sun sets are beautiful, so I thought it would be a nice treat before things get serious.

"Alex-" I start to talk, but I am interrupted by Alex kissing me deeply. I know what he's doing, he's stalling the conversation. "Alex, you can't distracted me. We both know we need to talk" I mumble against his lips. I didn't want to pull away, but I knew I had to.

He sighs pulling away from me. "I know..." He trails off.

"God, I don't want to go home tomorrow" I say out loud, barely above a whisper. I felt tears fill the brim of my eyes, but I held them back.

"I don't either. This is the most fun I've ever had" the shorter boy says from beside me, turning to look at me.

I can sense that he's about to cry, so I pull him into my side whispering sweet nothings into his ear as he curls into my chest. It made my heart feel like it was on fire, the sinking feeling in my chest getting stronger.

This is all going to be gone tomorrow.

My brain never wanted me to forget that fact. It kept repeating in my head every time I was close to forgetting it for even a second. I hated it.

"You know that deal we made?" Alex asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, what about it?"

Did he want to call it off?

Was he going to try and forget about me once he leaves?

Does he not like me anymore?

"Can I make a small adjustment to it?" He mumbles into the fabric of my shirt.

"And what would that be?"

"Can we get a dog?" He looks up at me with big puppy dogs eyes, how could I say no to that- oh wait, I wasn't.

"Fuck yeah!" I smile kindly at him, pecking his lips because he looks absolutely adorable. That and I want to kiss him as much as I can before we leave.

"I love you" he smiles shyly, looking into my eyes.

"I love you too" I grin at him.

The rest of the night we stayed cuddled together sharing kisses every now and then. It was like we were in our own little bubble and everything, and everyone around us didn't matter at the moment. It was just me and him, and I love it.

Eventually we did have to go back into the cabin because if we didn't we would get in trouble for being on the roof, not that it matters too much since we're leaving tomorrow, but still.


Crappy filler chapter sorry, I just wanted to update since I haven't in a while.

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