19. Hot Dog Mess

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Jack's p.o.v

"Harder" I demand.

"I'm trying." Alex yells back.

"Fuck Alex, faster"

"I'm going as fast as I can Jack" "Aaannddd done" Alex lets out a sigh of relief.

"Amazing. It looks brand new" I smile looking at the shirt in disbelief.

While I was eating a hot dog in the cabin I accidentally dropped ketchup on Rain's favorite shirt so I frantically asked Alex to help me get the stain out before Rian came back.

What did you think was happening?

"What would I do without you?" I ask, giving him a small peck on the lips.

"Probably get murdered by Rian for ruining his shirt"

"Shut up" I laugh, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him in for an embrace.

Do you ever get those moments when you're with someone and you just get the urge to hug them? Yeah, well I feel that way about Alex all the time.

Pulling him closer to me I feel him smile into the crook of my neck. It's nice dating someone who's almost the same height as you. I do like being slightly taller then him though, it gives me bragging rights.

"I'm glad I met you" I hear him mumble into my neck.

I held him tighter. "Me too" I smile softly.

When I got to camp this year I was expecting it to be like every other year, me Zack and Rian getting yelled at for not obeying the rules like we always do. I didn't expect an adorable brunette boy to waltz into our cabin a week after camp started. And in no way did I think I would be dating said boy. fuck yeah I wanted it to happen, but I didn't think it actually would.

I am so fucking glad it did.

That's why it hurts me so much to think about how close the end of camp is. Two weeks and all of this is all gone, I won't be able to kiss him or hold him or even be around him. Sure we could always exchange numbers and keep in touch, but long distance relationships never ever work.

I didn't want any of this to end. This is the best summer I've ever had. Thanks to my friends and boyfriend. I love it here and I never want to leave.

But I know eventually I do.

We all do.

I always looked forward to going home after camp, but now I was dreading it. I'm just counting down the days to go.

Thirteen days left.

Thirteen days until I have to say goodbye to Alex. Untill I had to say goodbye to our relationship, to all the cute things I love about him. Goodbye to a little piece of my happiness.

I know I sound like I'm being a melodramatic fool, but I just like Alex so much. I probably sound like a clingy little bitch but I can't help it, he just means so much to me.

"Sup homos" Rian greets as he walks through the cabin door with a hot dog placed in his hand.

"Sup" I respond.

"Hey" Alex greets as well.

"What are you guys doing?" He asks lying down on his bed.

"Being gay, the usual" I laugh.

Rian nods just as Zack walks in. He looked sweaty and was out of breath so I'm assuming he went for a run being the in shape kinda guy that he is. I don't know why he would willingly want to do that, but alright.

"What's up with you?" Alex asks Zack.

"I went for a run, you guys will never believe what I found" he announces excitedly.

"What is it?" Rian asks, turning his attention to Zack.

"The camp councilors have a secret booze stash. We should totally go raid it"

"Fuck yeah we should!" I agree. "Alex what do you think?"

"Sounds real fucking good to me" he says into my shirt. We were still tangled together all this time.

We're that couple.

This is just a filler chapter to show you that I'm still alive. I didn't know how to continue this story so I had a little bit of a writers block. I think I figured out how I want to write the next few chapters, so you might get some updates soon.

Also Alex's new blond hair I'm shook.

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