Chapter 21 - Quaking & Confiding

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New Cover!! <3 Made by peterpanda97 :*


Until my lips collided with his.

I was kissing Valentino. Feeling the smoothness of his lips against mine caused the butterflies in my to sprout dragon wings and flutter in every inch of my stomach. And it took me five seconds.

Five seconds to love the way his lips could make me feel something I never have in the pit of my stomach.

Five seconds to adore his baby smooth lips.

Five seconds to realize that I initiated the kiss meaning I kissed him and we didn't meet half way or the other way around.

Five seconds to notice that he wasn't kissing me back

And five seconds to realize that I was kissing a guy who was already off the market

As soon as the last realization popped in to my head I quickly tore my lips away from him. For second I was just catching up with what I had just done.

My strong feelings for him got the better of me and I don't know I just...In the moment...

I looked at Valentino who just gave me a look of shock his jaw, dropping to the ground.

Oh my God I just kissed Valentino

As quickly as I could I tore right away from Valentino at which he yelped at my action.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry" I said running to my bag and slipping my heels off and putting my trainers on. I need to get out of there

"I am so so sorry" I said getting a little worked up

"Cass-" Valentino started

"I wasn't thinking"


"I'm so sorry" I apologized once more before sprinting out of the room hearing Valentino shout "Cassie!" before the double doors closed behind me. I just kept on running up the hallways, out of the school and a third of the way home before I finally had to catch my breath and collapsed by a nearby tree.

I didn't run because I intentionally started the kiss and only partially did because Valentino didn't kiss me back. It was the fact that I kissed a guy that was already taken.

Valentino even lived with his girlfriend which proves the seriousness of the relationship.

I'm a cheater!

I know that's not technically correct because it's Valentino in the relationship and not me but it doesn't mean it won't hurt Kristen. He's fricking getting married to her! I mean as soon as he explains that he didn't kiss me back, to her, all should be fine.

Or he can just not say anything.

Yeah we should pretend that it never happened. I mean it wasn't like he was into it anyways.

He didn't kiss me back.

And even considering the circumstances it makes sense that he didn't couldn't help but feel a whole lot of hurt

He didn't kiss me back.

I was hoping that after a goodnight's sleep I would have forgotten about it.

But I couldn't have been more wrong. All night I was tossing and turning unable to get to sleep. Questions after questions kept invading my mind like "What did Valentino do after left?" "Is this going to ruin our friendship?" and "How much of his hair did I pull out?"

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