Chapter 13 - Weekend

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Mina hasn't said a word. Perhaps Mina is still afraid to open her heart. But, looking at her progress today, she tries so hard. I am thankful for that. I take my jacket with me, then I head to her front door. Mina then runs after me and blocking the door.

"Wait" I stop as per her request. She opens her mouth and no words come for her. Mina looks at me while taking a deep breath.

I move closer to her. "What do you want, Mina-ssi?"


Then all of sudden, she jumps at me and Mina kisses me, kiss me passionately. Mina grabs my face with both hands. I, of course, reply her kiss. Then I broke the kiss. I touch her cheek, take a deep breath with me, she still closes her eyes and leans on my nape, brings our forehead touch the other. I'm just gasping for air, then I kiss her again. This is my turn. I kiss her hungrily. I even kiss her neck and turn down her loose shirt for a bit, Thank God, it's loose shirt.

"Bed" She orders.

Mina tells me in between her kiss. I know that she likes it, she swallows a lot sometimes gasping for an. I lift her up, She places both legs on my waist. I still kissing her, I demand not to stop kissing. She opens the bedroom, I put her on the bed. I am on top of her, I kiss her again and again. I can't stop kissing Mina, she tastes wonderful. I enjoy every moment because I even forget the feeling of kissing someone. I pull up her shirt slowly, and then I kiss her again, she starts to rub my back, then she pulls away my long sleeve. We're both shirtless.

"You look beautiful" I whisper to her while I'm kissing her. I pull one of her bra straps down to her arm in order to kiss every inch of her body.

In-between of everything, my phone rang. DAMN my phone is freaking ring right now. My phone is in my pants pocket, why is it ringing now? I try to ignore it and keep kissing her until she stops and looks at my face.

"Take it"

She asks me in a serious tone even though my face was like 'it's okay, I don't wanna miss this' face. But then, I move from the position and take my phone from my pocket. It's my brother. When my brother calls, I should take it or he will be furious.

"Oppa, why?" I answer with a messy breathe.

He wants to know about my certification or something. I take it outside the room. It's something important tho. I take it for a while, around 5 minutes. Damn.

Then I back to her room, and found her just putting a shirt back to her beautiful body. My shirt. She wears my shirt. She lay down on her bed, facing the right side. I move to her left and looking at her. We both look at each other at from this position.

"Where were we?" I ask her.

She uses her hand as a pillow, she's looking at me with her glazed eyes. She then placed her hand on my cheek, rubbing it. I take her hand and feel her soft hand.

"I am sorry, I think I am not ready," She says it half whisper. I know that she somehow feels guilty to me.

I nod to her.

"I know" I then look at her and tidy up her messy hair, tuck behind her ear.

She smiles at me.

"You're a very nice woman, Chaeyoung-ssi, thanks for your understanding"

"To be honest, I am not coming here thinking that I could.......we could......." I can't finish my sentence, but I know she understands that. I have no intention on this at all, the way that Mina invited me to her home is already enough for me.

Mina then moves closer to me, I open my arms and embrace her. I really understand her, totally. We stay like this for about 5 mins.



"Can I crash here at your couch? I don't feel like going home. I won't do anything to you I promise, just............"

"Why my couch, how about here?" Mina cut me off.

"Even better"

Mina then gives me my undershirt, and she pulls up the blanket. We face each other again. I can't stop looking at her.

"I like this better. Cuddling and kissing maybe" Mina says it, soon I kiss her, not in a rush this time. But in a slow pace, she slowly opens her mouth too. Our tongue dance at a gentle pace. Once again I embrace her in my arms again after.



"Can we drop the honorifics? I want to call you Minari"

"Okay" She paused for a while, "Chaengie"

No one except my family calls me Chaeng. Hearing those word from her mouth really satisfy me. We sleep in each other arms. It's perfect.

The night ended perfectly and the morning comes. It's not a dream I certain, I held her in my arms. I open my eyes to see the perfect beautiful figure in front of me. But she's up already. I hear water splash from the bathroom, she probably taking a shower. Mina comes from her bathroom with only her towel wrap around her body. When she enters the room, I pretend to be back sleep.

She then opens her cabinet.

"Don't open your eyes, or I'll kill you. I know you're awake"

I slowly open my eyes. and see her bare back.

"I say close it, Chaengie, I know you are starring" She scolds me.

"Like I haven't seen it!"

"You only saw a half of me"

I then close my eyes, without cheat. I will see her beautiful body someday. Not today.

"You wanna go somewhere?" I ask.

"Yes, church. Do you want to come with me?"

I open my eyes, she's now wearing a piece of clothing. It's indeed Sunday.

"I want to, let me take a quick shower then"

We go to her church. I've never been to a church with someone else before. It's always just me. When I was living in NY, I always went alone, thank God I met Korean Christian community in NY. Nayeon didn't identify herself with so-called religion.

Mina's church is a charismatic church. It's a little bit different for me who practice presbyterian. It's the first time being in the charismatic church. The church is so big, so many people come, and it's so festive full band and dancers and people clapping around. It's kinda fun. I could only observe since I don't know any song, it sounds familiar but I don't know. Being in the new experience like this was fun.

After done with the church we have a lunch together, then I take her home, then I go home. What a wonderful weekend

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