Chapter 7 - Lively

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Mina's POV 

I close the door behind me. I take a deep breathe. The date wasn't so bad after all. It was great even. I didn't know that I was so good at comforting others. Saying things like that. Something that I should been able to do it in life. Yes, people said it's easier said than done. I laugh to myself. I can't stop smiling. I can't stop thinking about Chaeyoung, my eyes fix on her when we ride home.

Is it really happening? Am I slowly forgetting my feelings for my best friend? I don't know, Yet. I stare in my left hand. I can't believe that this hand of mine was holding someone else's hand. Oh God, tell me, what's with me, what's with my heart beating so fast like this? I'm old, please. Am I able to feel this kind of love like a youngster?

Oh, don't think too far, women! 

I step up to my living room and switch the lamp on. 


Yuju is sitting in my living room. Since Yuju lives close by, I gave her the password to my home. We're like sisters, she could visit me all the time.

"I might have a heart attack you know if you showed up like this"

"Am I the one who gave you the heart attack? Really? Isn't it Chaeyoung?"

I sit beside her, lean my head on the sofa, "What are you talking about, we're friends, it's nothing"

"Oh lady, you should see yourself when you entered this room. Giggling, smiling from ear to ear like a crazy" Yuju say while laughing at me.

"We're just friends, Unnie, that's it. She's cool and fun to be with. That's it"

"So, what did you do together?" Yuju focuses her eyes on me.

"She took me to a tea house, and mostly she told me stories, I listened"

"Heh? Why?"

"Because this time, she did the talking, next time, I will"

"Next time?" Yuju Unnie teasingly poke my cheek, "Another date?"

She then hugs me. And shake my body.

"I am so happy for you, you know! I am happy you are now more 'open'!" She says it while air-quoting the word 'open'. 

"I don't understand myself sometimes, Unnie. I mean, you know me. There are times you set me up with a bunch of girls, I never showed up, I am sorry. But with her, it was all easy. So easy. I said yes for the first time"

"Moving on is something that you can't be pushed, Minari. It should be happening at the right time, with the right person"

I nod. "Unnie, don't put too much hope okay? I am not ready for this, neither is she. She's been through a lot too. Okay?"

"Okay, I won't push you, okay," Yuju say it with a smile.

"Now, get out. I am tired, Unnie"

"Can't I stay here?"

"Ah. Big fight with Mr. Kim, isn' it?" Yuju Unnie just smiles when I say it.

"Just giving him a punishment, I know he won't survive a day without me, he has to know what he did wrong," She says it sulky. 

"Weird couple, really" I shook my head.

We both sleep in my room. The next morning, she's gone. Happens all the time when she had a fight with Junghyun. They both are the loveliest couple and the most annoying couple in the world. They fought a lot, but they are never failed to make it up as well. I believe that's what keeps their marriage alive. I stretched my body in my bed. It's weekend. Not until that my notifications wake me up again.

Chaeyoung : I bet 10.000 won you're still asleep

Mina : You lost, pay me

Chaeyoung : Shit, I lost.

Mina : What are you going to do this weekend?

Chaeyoung : Fishing. How about you?

Mina : Sure you can fishing?

Chaeyoung then proudly send me photos of her fishing, she caught so many big fish.

Mina : Okay, I believe you.

Chayoung : What are you going to do?

Mina : Netflix

Chaeyoung : Recommend me a good series, please.

Mina : What genre do you want?

Chaeyoung : Ehm, Drama or Thriller, or Fantasy.

Mina : You should check Colverfield Paradox or Atypical then.

Chaeyoung : Okay, I will.

I sent her my picture, only my feet that touch my bed sheet.

Mina : My bed is so comfortable, I can leave 'em.

Chaeyoung : Hey lazy, didn't you change from last night clothes? Sleazy"

Mina : It took efforts you know to change your clothes. Actually, it's all because Yuju came after you left. Interrogated me. I feel asleep during that time.

Chaeyoung : Yuju Unnie.......hahahaha

I fall asleep again after the last chat. 

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