Chapter 20 - Sexy Encounters

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"Put it back Charlie" I laugh, pushing him into the clothes rack. Hearing him grunt, I wasted no time in running away. "Harmony" he roared from behind.

Laughing as I weave my way through Hollister, I knew he would soon catch up. I do only have little legs after all. "I'm gonna get you Harmony!" he shouted, now sounding rather amused and up for a challenge than before.


Running as fast as I could, I managed to get out of Hollister and into the food courts where the rest of the gang were. Aiming for Aiden as I knew he would be my safe option, I pick up my pace and don't really care as to the other people around and there was quite the few.

As passing shops become a blur in my side vision, my lack of spacial awareness fails on me and I manage to bump into somebody. Landing with a big thud, I hear what seems to be guy, groan. Suck it up man.

Shooting up, I wipe my pants of any dirt because lets face it, I highly doubt the mall's floors are that clean.

"You wanna watch where your going miss!" a very formal and angry voice called out. Looking up, I was faced with a very familiar face. A sexy face at that.

In recognition, we both smile and go for our secret handshake. "Banksie" I sing. By this time the gang were now by my side and were giving me weird looks. After all, Banksie was in fact a police officer. I suppose a gang and police officers weren't really the text book friends.

When I was living in a different part of Brooklyn I was getting in alot of trouble. Shocking, right? I ended up being in the cell's so many times that I got friendly with Banks as he was the one who always arrested me.

Banks was a very hot, young police officer and his wife was very lucky. Well that would be if he wasn't a cheater. Officer Banks here once made his move on me. Of course with his dazzling green eyes, messy brown hair and very well defined abs, I just couldn't say no. Don't worry, his probably now 23 and at the time he was 22. It was only a year ago people.

"Whats going on Johnson. Staying outta trouble I hope" He smirked giving me the once over. I wasn't even wearing anything that reveling. Leather shorts, white vest top, leather jacket and my trusted vans. Okay, so maybe I was reveling, only a little.


Resting my hand on his big muscly arm, I gave him a wink that sent lust coursing though his eyes. "You know it babe."

"Let me take you out tonight" he asked, deadly serious. Clearly lust was well and truly taking over. That's the thing about Banksie, he'd take lust over love any day hence why he cheats on his stunning wife.

I knew exactly what he wanted. The last time he talked me into 'going out', it ended in his bed. What can I say, I'm a girl with needs. I'm no slag or anything though. I make them work for it and don't just sleep with anybody. I've only ever slept with 5 people, I don't think its that bad.

"What about the wife?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckled. "Like that mattered before" he said before grabbing me by the waist. I'm getting rather close to taking him up on his offer. But of course, I never got the chance to say anything because Aiden made it his duty to break us up by clearing his throat.

Great timing.

Man, he looked pissed. "Care to introduce us Harmony?" Just like a protective dad or brother.

Laughing awkwardly, I look between the amused looking gang and the lustful Banks. "Guys this is Officer Banks. I may have got arrested a couple of times about 8 months ago when I lived in a different part of Brooklyn" I explain.

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