Chapter 21 - Bombs Away Bitches

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(A/N: Comment at the end of this chapter:
-Your favourite part of the story so far (I might dedicate the chapter that that part is in to you)
-Favourite character
& One thing you'd change (please be constructive and not mean)
I'm intrigued to know what people's opinions are :))

I feel like I have been whacked over the head with a metal pole. A huge metal pole. God why did I drink so much?! Ow. Good job schools canceled today. I was so happy when they told us yesterday and bonus is, although it isn't a happy occurrence, I get Friday of too.

So right now I'm glued to my bed almost as if my head is a massive weight that is keeping me down and making sure I am unable to move. Now I understand why they advice people to watch what their drinking. It was Never have I ever's stupid fault. If people weren't so boring then I wouldn't have had to drink so many vodka shots.


Shooting up to a sitting position, all the blood went rushing out of my head making go extremely light headed. Stupid idea!


What the heck?


Okay, what is going on. Looking to my bed side table, I noticed a glass of water and some pain killers. It had a note.

Thought you might need these. Us and the others have gone to sort out a shipment, some problem with it. We've left you party animals in bed. Enjoy your hang over!
Love Mads xx
P.S Seth's with us cause he was the responsible one last night.

Shit, so it isn't them. Quickly taking the pain killers, I get out bed and reach for my gun that I keep in the bottom draw. Grabbing the bullets, I load it up and edge my way slowly to the door.

Putting my ear to the door, I can defiantly hear somebody so it's not my hangover playing tricks on me. Crouching down to look through the small hole that is between the door and the floor, I see not one but two people. Double shit.

Jumping back up, I look at my attire. Black shorts and a navy vest top, certainly had worse to wear when I'm about to kill people. Believe me, I once had to take somebody down in a dress, like the heist the other week.

Attire aside, I checked my bullets were in properly and that I had more close by just incase. That's one thing I've began to learn about this house, Aiden has equipped it really good. There's spare bullets in the banisters, guns behind ever picture in the walls, survalence cameras in the hall ways with a monitor in the kitchen and also knives shoved under certain floor boards. The house was epic.

I began to slowly edge closer to the door and made sure that I was quite enough so they didn't realise I was there. I think they may believe that we all were out or something else along them lines. However, just as I was about open the door, Trey decides it's the right time to come bursting through our joint bathroom.

"Trey what the hell?!" He was going to get us killed. Then I saw he had a gun in his hand, perhaps there's more that I thought.

"Theres more?" He asked, trying to be quite. Nodding my head I signalled for him to be quite, for once in his life. "What are you doing here anyway?" I hiss at him. My plan was going perfectly fine until he came barging in. "Gee, I don't know maybe because I thought you might be asleep and I'd do the right thing and make sure you were aware that there is people in the house who may have guns. So I'm sorry for caring." After his little rant he started walking back into his room in a strop.

Sighing, I shout whisper "Trey wait!"

"What?!" Gosh Somebodies in a mood. I'm sorta glad Seth walked in on us when he did last night before we got the chance to kiss, it would have made the situation a whole lot more awkward. Although, there is a small part, very small part that kind of wanted it to happen for some reason.

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