0.45 | God needs love too

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People are born,People grow

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People are born,
People grow.
People die,
And people mourn.

When good people die,
The world questions,
Why did they need to go?

It's a lot to do with destiny,
Some people will say,
Whilst others will agree
It's just nature's job.

Did you ever stop to wonder,
Why good people are taken?

My daddy told me,
When I was young,
That all people die,
Good and bad.

I went on to ask him,
If he must,
Explain what he meant,
From beginning to end.

Good people are taken,
Because God needs love.

They're not taken,
Because they're bad.
Everyone goes,
It's just how it works.

But sometimes, just because
Good people, end up dying
It doesn't mean they're
Gone for good.

When you pass,
Then you will see,
The person
you have been longing to meet.

Everyone will depart,
One day to come.
It's only a matter of time
Before I am numb.

Then daddy's words come crashing down,
And the weight in my shoulders,
Is now more bearable.

We're not the only ones,
That can't survive on our own.
We need love.
We crave it.

But don't you see?
God needs it too.

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