0.13 | crying in the rain

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The sky is blue, The sun shining through,So the tears on my eyelids,Can be seen by everyone

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The sky is blue,
The sun shining through,
So the tears on my eyelids,
Can be seen by everyone.

And this is why,
When I walk away from home,
When I walk away from,
All the places that I loathe,
I don't cry out in public.

When it's raining,
I smile at myself.
Everyone rushing to get home,
Whilst I slowly pace myself in time.

Relishing each step,
Each step in the rain.
And the warm, fat tears,
Exploding in my skin.

It feels Marvelous
Better than that
The water slightly
Bouncing on your skin

The raindrops fall
And I feel each and everyone
Of them

That smile soon turns to a frown,
As I realise where I'm headed.
The house I live in.
It's not a home.

That frown turns into a reminder,
Of everything I have endured so far,
And what could possibly more come.
As I said, it's not a home.

The frown etches slowly into,
A small hiccup and a sob,
Tears gathering on the eyelids,
Away from the prying eyes of others.

Crying in public isn't good.
Everyone will know your mood.
But with everyone rushing inside
Away from the rain,
What harm,
Can there really be done?

I cry alongside,
The sky and it's agonising cries.

Has anyone stopped to wonder,
Why it rains?
Why there's thunder?
And no, I'm no geographic,
Of the "truthful" beliefs.

How do they
Know for sure?

Have you stopped to wonder,
Why on Earth it rains?
Has the thought ever crossed your mind,
That perhaps,
Up above,
The sky is crying too?

It's like it puts on a fake smile,
So that the sun can do its thing.
So that the world know not of what's going on,
And so to let people live their lives.

But, then it gets too much,
Too much to handle the burden.
It loses all control,
And tears start to trickle down,
Onto the ground.

My small sobs,
Turn into ginormous ones,
And the tears uncontrollably
Make their way down my cheeks.

The rain falls harder,
Alongside my cries.
And that's how you do it,
Crying in the rain.

We cry with each other,
Like we're lonely,
But not lonely.
We have the company
Of each other,
And nothing more to lose.

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