Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

How Eve keeps vanishing from earth is lost on me.

Not long after she ran off, I could no longer feel Eve's presence on the planet. It was unnerving. I went to the graveyard where she had vanished the night before. Dove into the trees behind it and walked, searching for a house, a hut, a lean-to, anything thing that signified that's she lived there.

There was no sign of anyone living there. Of course.

I grumbled to myself before I realized that I could feel her again.

My heart soared and my subconscious berated me in impolite language. I knew it, my heart knew it, I couldn't deny it.

I loved her.

I am so fired. I thought to myself.

Angels are forbidden to fall in love with their charges, and for good reason. When and angel loves his charge he is too protective and their charge ends up dying, one way or another they all die.

So I was perpetually screwed.

Knowing that my feelings for her were dangerous, I shoved them down and tried to think of her from a distance, removed. But I failed.

I had only known her for less than twenty-four hours, but the pull was strong, and it wasn't my need to guard her, I loved how small she was, clumsy, that devilish grin, her amber eyes that held so many secrets. Her fiery personality, her feverish skin that I was taking to seem normal.

Her odd reactions to normal things. She was different than the humans I had observed for almost three centuries. I had never met someone who didn't like icecream, or didn't scream when flying over a city. The natural reaction is to scream.

I puzzled over what she could have been afraid of as I let my feet take me to her on their own accord.

I can't be up here, they'll kill me. Her words troubled me. The only thing that was in the air other than birds and other people gliding were angels. Angels flew in the air constantly, watching over their charges and looking out for daemons who may have escaped from Ether.

Ether was another plane of existence next to Earth. Between heaven and hell both beings can survive together. But Ether was not made for peace. Ether was made to keep the daemons out of earth.

The devil, I cringed at the thought of his title, was trying to overrun the earth with his daemons, the daemons wanted to feed on the souls of living humans, the souls of the damned were not enough.

I remembered the story my general told me once. That the devil steals prostitutes, whores, even the wives of good men, once a month he finds one and takes them down into his burning pit of evil. He can take any woman....except virgins, they are too pure for him to steal.

Somehow with these women he is creating his army of daemons and evil chirldren.

I have met these Sons of Satan. Vicious, ruthless killers that care nothing for themselves. They live and die to serve their father.

But if Satan's sons were bad, they were nothing compared to the coldhearted daughters of the devil.

Six deadly women with horrible powers and hearts of stone. They were black and soulless, more evil than their father.

I shuddered at the thought of those monsters as I stepped onto the beach. I searched the beach and found Eve instantly. She was wearing a black bikini and had just come up from under the water.

My breath hitched as I saw her like that and I had to make myself look away, throwing up my glamour. The sight of her dripping with water and barely clothed was not doing good things to my self control.

I shoved the mental picture out of the way and looked back out into the water. Watching her swim and laugh.

It was beautiful and agonizing at the same time to watch her from afar. I loved seeing her as she usually was, but I also wanted to take her in my arms and be the one to make her laugh and smile.

She was a wingless angel, beautiful beyond compare, innocent, but mischievous with that devilish grin.

I watched her swim for a moment before a huge wave appeared.

I didn't even think, my wings were spread and carrying me towards the water before I consciously gve the command.

The wave crashed over her as she turned and stared at the wall of water approaching. It smashed down on her small delicate frame like the axe of an executioner.

All I could think was, no. Not her. Not now. Please no!

I flew over where she had been a moment ago, tucked in my wings and dived under.

I was instantly grateful for the crystal clear blue waters of Brazil. My blurry underwater sight was slightly less hindering with the clear water.

I picked out a slim blurred shape of brown and black in the water. Struggling and writhing.

Eve. My heart screamed as I swam toward her. Using my wings to propell me faster forward.

When I reached her she wasn't moving. She was limp and the bubbles weren't floating out of her mouth.

I wrapped and arm around her waist and dropped my glamour. It was useless around her anyway.

I swam to the surface desperately. My own lungs burning by now, I don't need as much air as humans because I am used to thinner air. But I still need it.

I breached the water and gasped. Pulling air into my lungs as best a I could as I pulled Eve to shore.

She was so light that it wasn't difficult to pull her to shore with my strength, but when I got there she was still limp and not moving. Her dark skin looked a little pale and she didn't seem to be breathing.

"Eve, wake up." I shook her and thumped her back.

Her eyes flashed open and she opened her mouth in an attempt to breathe but couldn't. She rolled over and stuck her fingers down her throat and then proceeded to expel a torrent of water form her body.

It looked like she was going to live so I put a hand on her shoulder and whispered in her ear. "Stay safe pajarita." And then I vanished and flew off before she could turn.

As hard as it was to leave her I knew I had to I needed to get these feelings under control before I saw her again tonight.

Remember your duty, Angelo. I thought to myself. Never forget what you're actually made for.

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