Dislocated Shoulder And Concussion

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Jai, Teresa and I have been sitting in the waiting room for two hours. We haven't heard anything about Nate since they admitted him and took him for a CT Scan.

I hope he's not badly hurt.

A group of guys from the team walk into the room and they sit close to Jai. Justin sits next to Jai. "Have you heard anything?"

"No," Jai holds my hand. "I'm sure, we'll hear something soon."

The doors open and a doctor walks over to me. "Miss Knight, Nate wants to see you."

I rise. "Okay," I kiss Jai and then turn back to the doctor. "What is wrong with my brother?"

The doctor turns towards Jai and I "He has a dislocated shoulder and a concussion. He told me that he wants to go home. I could release him into your care if you're able to wake him every two hours during the night."

Jai replies for me. "I can do that, during the night."

The doctor nods. "I will write that you will keep an eye on him. If he becomes unresponsive or has a headache. Call an ambulance and tell them you were here earlier." He gives Jai some papers about concussions.

I'm sure Jai know enough about them. He played football before an injury made him retire.

Coach enters the waiting room and he walks over to Jai.

The doctor turns towards me. "You should follow me, miss. Nate is worried about the baby and you, due to his accident. He doesn't want you to stress yourself out."

I laugh.

He's the one that's injured and he cares more about my health and well-being.

Entering the room I see my brother sitting up in the bed. He has a sling on and there's a bandaged wrapped around his head.

A smile spreads across his face as he sees me. "I'm fine, sis. The doctor is letting me go home."

"You're spending the night with Jai and I. He will be checking on you during the night, Nate."

"What about Teresa where will she be?"

I move over to the chair next to my brother and I sit. "She will be across the hall from us in your condo. If anything happens she will be informed immediately. Jai is telling her right now what's happening."

A nurse walks in with a bunch of papers for my brother to sign. "You need to sign, here, here and here." She places the papers on the table.

Nate signs the papers. He looks at me. "I could be out of the game for three or four months, Chloe." He climbs out of the bed.

I hug my brother and whisper. "You will get back into shape after four weeks. After that I will have someone help you with physio therapy. For now all you need to do is rest that shoulder."

In the waiting I see Jeremiah Collins with Jai. He rises and moves over to Nate. "Hey, Nate. I got phone call from someone that was at the game and they told me you were sent to the hospital and I thought I should check up on you. A friend told me it was a cheap shot."

"It was a cheap shot and all I got out of it was dislocated shoulder and a concussion."

Jeremiah touches his good shoulder. "You need to listen to me when it comes to this type of injury. You need to rest your shoulder. If you get straight into physio therapy too quick there's a possibility you could do more injury to your shoulder. I know you care about this game as much as I do. During the games you will sit on the sideline and help your team out as much as you can from there. Coach and you're teammates will respect you more if you can help them in your own way."

The boys from the team ask Jeremiah for his autograph and he signs things for the team.

When we walk out of the hospital doors. The paparazzi are standing there, with a few local news crews.

Why do they care so much about a college game?

Jai pulls me into his arms and he whispers. "Tonight's game was to show San Francisco the new and improved college football team. They want people to know that the University has potential. Your brother is what this team needed for the last eight years. He's going to help them from the sidelines like I used to when I was injured. The coach knew someday that I would make a great coach. I just never believed him, but helping him out with this team has me wanting to do more coaching."

I pull away from him. "You want to move to San Francisco?"

He shakes his head. "I was thinking about starting my own football team with a youth centre. Those boys need something to keep them on the straight and narrow. When I was playing football a group of us got together and we started our own teams and they would go face-to-face every Sunday. One of the guys I used to play with still has a team. All I have to do is put one together."

I hope he can put a team together.

The news crew ask Nate some questions and he ignores them as he makes his way through the crowd.

Nate opens the door to the car and he climbs in.

Jai shoves through the crowd. "Excuse me," he yells.

The crowd starts moving and taking pictures of Jai. Then someone is pushed and they crash to me.

Jai catches me before I can fall. He yells at some guy before he pulls me to the car. He opens the door and I climb in next to my brother. Jai climbs in and pulls me onto his lap. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Jai." I yawn. "I'm a bit tired." I lie my head against his chest.

"We'll be home shortly. Then you can go to bed." He kisses the top of my head. "I love you, Chloe."

I close my eyes as the car pulls onto the road.

"Is she alright?" Nate worriedly asks.

Jai sighs. "She's fine, but she says that all the time."

"I know. For some reason she doesn't like people to see her weak. She's always puts on a tough exterior, but it's her interior that I'm worried about. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, yet she won't tell people how she truly feels. Sometimes, I wish she would cut all this b/s and tell us what she's really feeling."

I open my eyes and look at them. "I can hear everything you're saying. Which is the only reason you two had the balls to mention all of this. Thanks for all your concern. I will try harder to tell you what I'm feeling, but right now my back is killing me." I move off Jai and sit next to him.

" I move off Jai and sit next to him

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