Family Gathering Part I

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Jai pulls the the car into the driveway of his parents place. He stops at an iron gate. Where a guard is standing in the booth. "Hey, Justin."

A smile spreads across the guards face as he steps out of the booth and he walks over to the car. He stops at the drivers side window. "Hey, man. I was wondering if you were going to come to the family gathering."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world. You know this time of year is my favourite when my entire family comes home for the weekend." Jai turns towards me and says to guard. "I have a beautiful woman that I want to introduce my parents too."

Justin looks into the car and he extends his hand to me. I take his hand. "I'm Justin. It's nice to meet the woman that's taming my man here."

I smile at him. "I'm Chloe and in the the back are my brother Nate and sister Aleysa."

"It's nice to meet you all."

I hear a noise and then a voice says. "Let them in Justin. You can catch up with them later."

Justin puts the walkie talkie up to his mouth. "Alright, there on there way up." He opens the gate for us.

Jai drives the rest of the way up to the Victorian style mansion.

My mouth drops open as I see the three story building in front of me. It has a wrap-a-round porch with a table setting on it and swings that are made out of wood.

A husky runs down the stairs and over to Jai. He scratches the dog behind the ear and it starts to bark. The dog looks at me before it jumps all over me.

I look at the dog and say in a firm voice. "Down." The dog listens to me and I say. "Good girl." I look at Jai. "What's her name?"

"It's Tess. She's beautiful isn't she?"

I smile. "She's something." I open the door for Nate and Aleysa.

They step out of the car.

Tess runs over to Aleysa and she jumps on her. "Down." Aleysa says in a weak voice. Tess listens to her and Aleysa scratches her behind the ear. "You're a beautiful dog aren't you." Tess playfully nips at her fingers. "Do you want to go for a walk, girl?" Tess lets out a bark. Aleysa looks at me. "Can I take the dog for a walk?"

"Okay, but stay close." I tell her.

She nods. "Come on, Tess."

I watch Aleysa walk away with the dog. I turn towards Nate. "Can you keep an eye on her?"

Nate runs over to Aleysa and Tess. He picks up a stick and throws it. Tess runs after the stick and she picks it up. She carries it over to Nate. He throws the stick again.

A woman walks out of the house. "Jai, what are you still doing out here. I thought you would have just walked into the house to greet your family." She looks at me and a smile spreads across her face. "You must be Chloe?"

"That's me." A smile spreads across my face as I look at the woman that has the same coloured eyes as Jai. "It's nice to meet you Mrs Marshall." 

She pulls me into a hug. "You don't need to call me that. I'd rather you call me Veronica or Mom. Whatever suits you."

I miss my parents.

Jai pulls me into his side. He kisses my head. "I'm sorry."

I shake my head. "You don't need to be. Excuse me for a moment." I walk away from them. I lean against the car.

"What was that, Mom?"

"I was trying to be nice. She's going to be my daughter-in-law someday."

"Mom, her parents passed away not long ago. For you to say that she can call you that was a lot." He looks around the yard. "I want you to meet two more people that mean the world to me."

I see Nate and Aleysa walk over to then with Tess following closely by.

Veronica frowns. "She has daughter?"

Jai shakes his head. "No, they are her siblings. That's Nate." Nate wraps his arm around Aleysa protectively. "And this is Aleysa."

Aleysa takes Veronica's hand. "It's nice to meet you."

Veronica chuckles. "She's absolutely gorgeous. Do you want to get something to eat?"

Aleysa nods. "Yes, please. Can I also get a glass of water I'm thirsty."

"Follow me." Mrs Marshall leads them into the house.

Jai walks over to me. "Are you ready to meet the rest of my family?"

I take a deep breath. "Sure, I'm a bit nervous though."

Jai kisses the top of my head. "We better go inside before my crazy Aunt comes out." He looks at the mansion. "I'm sure Nate and Aleysa will need some saving from my family." He places his hand in mine and we climb the stairs to the house. He opens the front door.

There's a whole heap of people standing in the entry way. A few look in our direction.

"Jai's here." Someone yells.  Jai stands in front of me and crosses his arms. A group of people run over to him and they form a circle around him, pushing me off to the side.

I take a step back and I crash into a firm body. I turn slightly and am met with someone with the same chocolate brown eyes as Jai.

This must be his brother.

The guy smirks. "What do we have here?" He looks me up and down. "You're hot, but the help shouldn't be out here. This is a family gathering."

I look at Jai. "I'm here with Jai."

The guy laughs. "Jai, would never invite someone like you to this. If you don't get me some food I'm going to show you my true colours."

I cross my arms and glare at him. "You know where the kitchen is. Help yourself to the food. You don't need someone to get things for you. Are you this lazy at home?"

He lifts his hand in the air. I close my eyes and wait for the hit to come. When it doesn't, I open my eyes to see Jai with his hand around the guys wrist.

"Don't you dare touch my girlfriend." Jai punches the guy in the face. He leans over the top of the guy. "Never think about hitting a woman. If I hear that you have done that I will cut your hand off." He looks around the room. "So, the accusations about him being a woman beater is true?" He shakes his head. "You all have a choice to make. It's either him leaving or me."

Mrs and Mr Marshall walk to the door and they look at there son. Mr Marshall places his hand on his son's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Xander. You need to leave. First thing on Monday we are going to get you help for that temper of yours. It's not natural that you act like this."

He looks at Jai. "Jai, gets away with a lot worse than me and yet you give him everything he desires."

Jai looks at his brother. "I don't get everything I want. While we were growing up you had Mom and Dad at school to discuss your behaviour. They spent more time in the school dealing with you than seeing my games."

I place my hand in Jai's and lie head on his arm. "Can we get me something to drink? I'm thirsty."

Jai smiles. "Sure, I don't want to be near my brother right now." He pulls me through the crowd.

Everyone watches Jai.

I whisper. "Are the family gatherings always a circus?"

He laughs. "Never."


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