The Hospital Part I

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I walk into Aleysa's room with a glass of orange juice and two slices of toast.

Aleysa looks at me. "You're not staying, Chloe. You should look for a job and leave me alone."

I move over to her bed and place the plate and glass on the nightstand. I pick up her hair brush and brush her hair. "No, Aleysa. I'm not going to leave you alone. You're my sister and I love you. I know you're going through a hard time now. Please, stop pushing me away."

Tears well in her beautiful brown eyes. "I'm sick and tired of being sick, Chloe. I have my good days and bad days. One day the bad days are going to become worst and I'm going to die." She wraps her arms around me. "Mom and Dad were prepared for me to die the first time I had cancer. When I go. You have to call Mom and Dad's lawyers."

I frown. "Why?"

She looks away. "They left a Will in my name for Nate and you. That's all I can tell you. I was given specific instructions from Mom and Dad to reveal certain things to you at the right time.

They got Aleysa a Will? They knew the cancer was going to come back? Or did they prepare it just in case it came back?

Aleysa touches my face. "Mom and Dad loves Nate and you. Things will make sense when you see the Lawyer after my death." She reaches over to the table and picks up the glass of orange juice. She drinks some. "I don't want anything to eat." She rises. "I'm going to get ready for the hospital."

I rise and take the glass and plate back to the kitchen.

Jai is in the kitchen when I walk in. He smiles. "Morning, baby."

I wrap my arms around him. "Good morning."

He kisses my head. "Have you had breakfast yet?"

I shake my head. "I was too busy making something for Aleysa. She doesn't want to eat anything. She had a glass of orange juice though."

"At least she had something to drink. Do you want me to go to the hospital later and sit with her while you get lunch?"

"That would be great. Maybe, that would get her out of her bad mood."

He chuckles. "I don't know about that. I heard what she said earlier about you looking for a job."

"Eaves dropper."

Jai steps away from me. "I'm looking for someone to run the bar during the day and help me with accounting. I'm not good at that type of thing. I spend hours in the office trying to do that. I would rather be behind the bar then stuck up in the office."

"Can I do the books from home at night?"

"I'll bring the books home tonight, so you can go through it. Will you work at the bar during the day?"

"What time does the bar open during the day and what time will I be home?"

"The bar opens at 2 and I need you there until 5, when the night bar manager comes in. I will be at home until 7. After that I need to go to the bar and I won't be home until 2am."

"I'll do it. It will make Aleysa happy that I'm working. What are you making for breakfast?"

"I'm making bacon and eggs. Do you want some?"

"Nah, I think I'll have some toast. Where's Nate?"

My brother walks into the kitchen. "Hey, sis." He looks at Jai. "Hey, man. Do you have some for me?"

Jai puts the eggs and bacon on a plate. He turns towards Nate. "I do. You're sister didn't want any. I was going to surprise her with breakfast."

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