At The Hospital

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Outside the hospital I sit down on a bench and lie my head on my arms. The birds start chirping from the trees that are around the hospital. I hear sirens make its way down the street and I look at up, just as an ambulance pulls in front of the hospital.

The ambulance officers pull a stretcher out of the back of the ambulance and they rush into the hospital.

After a couple minutes outside I start to feel hot and I walk back into the hospital. As I start to make my way through the halls, out of nowhere I hear someone yell. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I spin around and see a doctor with a gurney and a little girl was lying on it. She looks around three years old, blonde hair, blue eyes and her face was bleeding and she has tears falling down her face.

She yells. "Mommy,"

I watch as the door opens and she's taken through the doors that reads 'no entrance.' I knew that was the way to OR.

I wonder what happened to the little girl?

A guy stumbles through the door yelling. "WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?" he holds onto the wall and he has blood dripping down his face and he's holding onto his wrist. "LIZZY,"

I walk over to him and I kneel next to him. "The girl you're after was she about three years old?"

He grabs my dress. "Where is she?" He screams.

I push his hand off me and step away from him. "She's in the OR. She was in pain and calling for her Mom. "What happened?"

He runs his hand through his hair and looks at me. "Are you a cop?"

I shake my head. "No, I'm just a concerned member of the public."

He brings his legs up to his chest and he cries. "I got cut off by some asshole and slammed into the back of another vehicle. My wife..."

I sit close to him. "Your wife, what?"

He looks at me. "Is going to kill me when she finds out about the accident. She's going to blame me for killing our daughter."

"It's not your fault. The asshole that cut you off is to blame. Where is he?"

A gurney is pushed into the hospital and the guy I was talking to rises and he looks at the guy that caused the accident. "It's his fault my little girl could be dying."

I look up just as a blonde runs into the emergency room and she makes her way toward the guy I'm standing with. "Where is she?" she looks around. Her eyes narrow as she looks at me. "Who are you?"

"Chloe Knight, I saw your husband break down and I thought that I could help him out. I saw your daughter get rushed into the OR, he was worried about where she went and I told him. Hang in there I'm sure she will pull through." I walk away from the couple and head in the direction of my Mr and Mrs Marshall's room.

Nate looks up at me as I walk into the room. "Are you alright?"

A smile spreads across my face. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just feeling a little tired." I look at Jai and say. "My bed buddy keeps me up all night."

Aleysa groans. "I don't want to hear about what you two get up to in the bedroom."

Mrs Marshall laughs. "I know what you mean, kiddo. My husbands the same way."

"Do we have to talk about this?" Nate complains. "I really don't want to think about my sister and Jai being together."

"You can't talk bro. You've probably slept with a few girls from school? Or are you waiting for someone special to come into your life?"

His Proposal - MATURE VERSION (completed)✔️Where stories live. Discover now