The Proposal Exposed

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The next morning I wake up with a headache. I feel arms wrapped around me and I pull them off me. I climb out bed and walk to the bathroom. I open the cabinet and pull out some painkillers. I swallow the pills with some water.

"Chloe," Jai yells. "Where are you?" I hear panic in his voice.

"I'm in the bathroom."

Jai walks into the room and he wraps his arms around. "Please, let me know where your going. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm fine. I just have a headache. So, I had to take something for it." I pull away from him. "Lets make breakfast for everyone."


Jai takes my hand and we walk into the kitchen.

We make breakfast for the family. When it's finished Jai knocks on everyone's door waking them up.

The family walks into the kitchen and they sit at the table.

Teresa walks over to me and she hugs me. "How are you?"

"I miss her."

She nods. "I know. She was a great girl. Even though I met her for an hour she seemed like the type of girl that could hold a family together."

I smile. "She did hold this family together. Now, it's  up to us to continue holding it up."

I don't know what I want to do with my life now that Aleysa is gone.

I sit at the table and look around at everyone at the table.

Aleysa is supposed to be here.

I take a bite of the bacon and eggs and then I push the plate away.

Jai looks at me with concern in his eyes. "You need to eat."

"I'm not hungry." I rise. "I'll be in Aleysa's room." I walk away from the dining room and head towards Aleysa's room.

When I enter the room I see a brochure sitting on the nightstand. I walk over to it and pick it up.

There's a picture of a forest, lake, garden, a fountain and a room. The front of it says Camp Tranquility.

I open it and read the information inside.

Camp Tranquility is a place for people that have lost loved ones to cancer. At Camp Tranquility we have counsellor that you can talk to. There's plenty of activities that you can do as a group or on your own.

This place looks nice. I would love to go if I didn't have all the support and love from all the people that are sitting in the dining room.

I sit on Aleysa's bed and go through the photos that are sitting on the nightstand. I see one of us with the Eiffel Tower behind us.

I loved that night. She made everything perfect.

The door opens to the room and I look up as Veronica enters the room. She walks over to the bed and she sits next to me. "That was a great night. I'm glad that I was there to see my son propose to the woman that he loves the most in the world." She touches my hand. "Jai, would do anything for you, that's why he asked Aleysa for help with the Proposal. He knew he couldn't do it alone and he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you."

His Proposal - MATURE VERSION (completed)✔️Where stories live. Discover now