I disappointed me and anyone who cares,
But damn did it make my heart feel better.
Why did I do such a thing,
When there was so little pain?
But now it's all gone,
I'm okay because with a little blood,
I took my heart's pain away,
And now I remember why I was addicted so.
Had to stop myself,
From following suit that dire craving,
Add  just a bit more red,
To flow down the drain,
And the rest of my sobriety can go down with it too.
But I can not let myself go so far off the deep end,
And I can feel it,
My heart still beats out loud so,
No matter how much it drains.
And I wanna stop it's thumping,
As I lay down next to you,
Because I can not let you see the things that I have done,
To my own body just to fix my heart.
To let it flow down the drain one more time,
Felt like heavenly bliss,
But it's because of all the thought of all the others,
I had to stop and put a plug in the drain,
And bandage the wounds,
To let them heal,

But what does one drop change?

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