Every step that I take,
I can't believe this is true,
One more step I chose to take,
Still feeling like this bridge is stable.
A few more steps,
Because I want off my now sinking boat.
But here I have stopped,
To look back,
Temped to never say goodbye,
Two steps,
As I realize what I'm doing,
And I don't know what I'm doing,
Because back there I has always home,
But so long it's been alone,
And I think I wanna linger here,
Just one more moment,
The solitary comfort,
I've always known.

And must always it's some siren calling out to me,
Two more in reverse,
It's times like this,
I've seen the bridge fall.
Another step in the wrong direction,
Because of the centuries since I've seen the land I call home,
So long gone beyond the horizon.
My last step,
Is one no longer so stable,
How long has it been since I have been here,
Was I ever really right thinking even getting off this sinking boat?
But then again you keep reminding me it's sinking.
And I'm not so sure I wanna sink on my own.

So I take
Two steps,
And one more,
But I then I turn around,
Tell myself to put on my jacket,
That you could weather the next storm,
But I know all my stocks inside that beat up ship,
have long since dried up,
And I'm just days from dead.

Another four steps,
Going back,
Please unwind my ever ticking down clock,
And I'm on the bridge to you,
The one I've forgotten to burn with all the others being tossed,
And now you've lingered here too long,

The bridge I am not sure I can cross

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