Why do you all seem to fuss,
But I guess you see what I can't.
You see what's wrong the picture,
When all I see is everything I could ever need.
You see where the other has slipped up and messed it up.
But to me, it don't mean a thing,
Because even I could fix it.
The rest of us has gone wrong.
Oh, please just be quiet? I am sick and tired of telling you to pipe down.
Even our own cat and dog get along better,
Then the four of you.
Retract your claws,
Because I'll take them in your sleep if I must,
And beat you over the head beforehand,
Just to make sure you stay down.
And don't you dare think I won't because I can not settle down,
With all this hissing and growling,
And somehow you guys manage to get what you need to be done,
Even if it is just barely on time.
And telling you to be quiet once again.
I know I can't fight your fire with mine,
But here I go again firing back up,
As you go to make another scratch,
And I am trying to sleep, I know my words are deadly weapons,

Why must my patience be so high,
Because here I go again,
And for some reason, I'm not quite put up with it,
And here I wait for the moment,
This fire burns up my patience,
Even still I pour my anger all over this page,
And it's still not cooling down.
Here it goes burning hotter,
I can't wait for the moment, I'll snag your feet out from under you,
And hand you a mouth full of something hotter than the fire in my heart.
My claws are inside my mouth,
And you ought to tape my mouth,
And you might even want to stitch it shut,
Because I feel like I could go around breathing fire,
And I'm sorry but the first target is you.
Shut my mouth before I even get the chance.

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