Sometimes I sit alone,
And stare out the window.
Sometimes I'm okay.
Sometimes not.
Sometimes people know,
Normally they don't ask though.

Sometimes when no one's here,
I cry.
Because I'm sick and tired of being alone,
Staring out the window.

Because I hate myself,
Letting the thin wall shatter.
Because I hate them,
From time to time,

Because they don't try to talk anymore.
They don't notice anymore.

Sometimes when no one's here,
I scream.
Because I'm sick and tired of staying in this corner,
Of which is the numbest pain I have ever known.

Because I hate myself,
I rip at the walls I put up.
I cut at the thin fabric of myself,
Because I can't stand it here,
I can't stand myself.

Sometimes I hate them,
From time to time.
Because they don't ask me anymore.
They think it's okay now.

Sometimes I sit alone,
And stare out the window.
Sometimes I'm okay.
Sometimes not.
Sometimes people know,
Normally they don't though

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