Taking the world by,
A humble storm of,
My emotions.
I ended up,
Living life in a boat,
All you can see is water.
And do nothing but move towards land to the best of my abilities,
It stays dark enough to forget the will to is even there.
One day when I'm closer to land,
It will go away, my fears,

It's reasonable to say,
The ones in power always want you to be good,
However, the culture of the time decided right?
Is an opinion something,
Worth believing in like a god?
I'm scared knowing,
Out there somewhere is someone,
That does make opinion belief,
These are the statements,
My mind repeats,
Turning them up loud.
Just wanna pack my clothes and leave.
Exchange these confusing times and the worries,
For ones with a multitude
Of possibilities and less uncertainties.

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