How It All Ended

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I'm sorry but you're all going to hate me after this 😂

Veronica's POV
"Do you see them, B" I ask Betty while searching for Jughead and Archie through the windshield. "No. I can't believe they followed up on this lead without even telling us" She groans. I nod my head "after I make sure he's okay I'm going to kill him" I say trying to call Archie's phone again. Archie and Jughead found a lead on the black hood and tried their very best to hide it from us, but Betty and I are ultimately smarter than them. We followed them out here and now we're parked outside an abandoned warehouse. "Let's go in" Betty says while unbuckling her seatbelt. "Are you crazy?!" I ask her while grabbing onto her arm so she can't get out. "We'll die in there" I say. She shakes her head "no we won't. Archie and Jughead could be in trouble, lets go" she says pulling her arm free and climbing out of the car. I groan and unbuckle my seatbelt, quickly following her out of the car. "I can't believe we're doing this" I whisper while walking in the warehouse. She points up to a ladder that leads to the second floor. I roll my eyes and go up first, trying my best to be quiet while ascending the rusty ladder. "Careful" Betty whispers. I roll my eyes again "no I was planning on being risky and jumping off" I whisper back while climbing to my feet after getting up the ladder. She gives me a look and I sigh "I'm sorry. I'm just really worried about Archie" I say. She nods her head "I know. Me too, and Juggy" she whispers. I put my hand on her arm for support but then I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around quickly and I see Jughead and Archie coming from a dim hallway. "Veronica? Betty? What the hell are you doing here?" Archie asks when getting close enough to us. "You guys aren't very good at hiding your leads, not very true detective if you ask me" I say flatly. "This is dangerous" Jughead says. Betty rolls her eyes "that's why you shouldn't be here either, you're 17 year old guys, not the terminator" she says, making me smirk a bit. "Agreed. We all need to leave" I say while lightly pulling on Archie's arm. "I hear voices, boss!" A deep voice shouts from below us. "Run, quietly" Jughead whispers. He leads us down another hallway into an abandoned room and closes the door behind us. "Why didn't you tell me about this lead?" I whisper to Archie privately. "Because I knew you'd come, I don't want you getting hurt" he says while grabbing my hand. "Well I don't want you getting hurt either. This is all a bad idea" I say shaking my head. "I'm sorry. I love you" he says giving me a small smile. I return the gesture and squeeze his hand "I love you too" I whisper back. I lean in to kiss him and he moves his lips along with mine before I pull away. "We can continue later, I want to get out of here" I say before walking over to Betty and Jughead. "How do we get out?" I ask quietly. Jughead goes to respond but we hear rapid gunshots being fired from a further location in the warehouse. "No. We have to leave" I say. "stay here. We're gonna check it out" Archie says before walking to the door. I grab his arm "please don't. We have to go" I plead with him. He sighs and pulls me in for a quick but passionate kiss "I have to go. I love you, stay here" he says before running out the door with Jughead. "Betty I don't like this, at all" I say shaking my head. She runs her hand through her hair and sighs "I don't either."

Almost an hour later, which feels like an eternity Betty groans and stands up off the ground. "I have to go find them" she says. I stand up too "Betty that's a bad idea" I say. "Stay here for when they come back. I'll be back soon" she says before leaving the room without another word. I turn around and groan but seconds later I hear the door open. "Came to your senses?" I ask before turning around. When I face the door I'm not greeted with one of the 3 faces that I hope to see, but with a complete stranger. "Well look who we have here... a pretty lady who seems to have gotten lost" he says smiling. His rotten teeth and grey stubble on his chin make me want to throw up. I think of screaming for Archie, but nothing comes out. "Don't worry baby, I'll make it fast" he says with an even sicker smile than before. "Listen I don't know who you are or anything that's going on here. Let me go and I'll never tell a soul anything. I swear" I plead, tears springing to my eyes. "I'd love to trust you sweetheart. But I won't" he says. He pulls a gun out and points it straight at me, causing me to lift my hands up. "On the ground" he orders. I drop down to my knees but keep my eyes on his face. If I make it through this, I need to remember his face. "Not a lot of people can look their own killer in the eye. That takes a lot of guts. We'd get along nicely if we met any other way" he says while still holding his gun at me. Suddenly I see a blur off red hair swing at the guy and I drop my hands. Archie's pinning the guy to the ground but he's strong and putting up a fight. Suddenly a shot goes off, instantly hitting my stomach.

Archie's POV
A shot rings out, hitting Veronica square in the stomach. "No!" I shout. I grab the guys head and twist quickly, snapping his neck and killing him. I stand up and run to Veronica, instantly putting pressure on the bullet hole. I pull my phone out and dial 911. "Help! My girlfriend, Veronica Lodge was shot. I need help. I don't know the exact address but it's an abandoned warehouse 10 minutes away from Pops diner!" I shout into the phone. "Ronnie. Ronnie, please talk to me" I plead, tears falling from my eyes. Her hand covers mine, "Archie" she croaks. "It's me. I'm here. I'm so sorry, I never should've come here. We should be at your house right now lying in bed and watching Netflix together" I say while crying more. "That sounds... nice" she says shakily. "Please don't close your eyes. I love you, Ronnie. We're meant to be, you can't die" I plead. She smiles a bit "we're meant to be" she repeats. "Yes. We are. We're going to graduate high school and then move to New York together. After college I'm going to propose and we'll get married here in Riverdale because this is where we fell in love. Then we'll go travel the world on our honeymoon. Then we'll go back to New York and have 3 kids, 2 girls and a boy, and we'll be happy" I say, crying more. "So happy that our friends will hate us" I add. She smiles "that sounds... amazing" she says. She starts coughing and blood comes out of her mouth. I let out a sob because I know this is it. "I'm so sorry, Ronnie" I say crying even more. "It's not your fault. I love you. I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone" she says while crying. I shake my head "I can't live without you. You're my forever, you're it" I say. She shakes her head "you have to live without me for a while. We can take a rain check on the marriage and kids. I need you to be happy" she says. I cry more "I'll try" I say. She lets out a small sob "good" she whispers. I hear sirens but I know they're too late because her grip on my hand is looser. "Goodbye, Ronnie. I'll love you till the day I die. After that too" I say. She sniffs "for eternity. I will be watching, making sure you're happy. I love you" she says weakly. I cry again "I love you too" I sob. Her hand is completely loose on mine and her breathing stops. She gone. "No" I sob over and over again. I close her eyes with my hand and kiss her forehead "i will never love anyone the way I love you" I say. "Oh my god" I hear Betty sob from the door. "What happened?" Jughead asks, tears falling down his face. I look back down at Veronica's lifeless body and take a deep breath. I let more tears fall before responding, "she's gone."

This made me cry, and I wrote it 😂😭😭I'll do a happier one tomorrow

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