The Fight

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Veronica's POV
I'm lying in my bed staring at the ceiling when I hear my alarm go off. I grab my phone and turn off the alarm and lie back down. I don't want to go there I say in my head. I feel tears in my ears and I close them tightly. I can still hear his harsh words in my head, and I can hear mine as well. We said terrible things to each other, definitely things you do not say to someone you love.

Last night
"I cannot believe you kissed Betty!" I say standing up off of his couch. "I know Ronnie. I'm sorry but it meant nothing!" He says, defending the fact that he kissed my best friend. "You told me you love me. Then we break up and 5 minutes later you're kissing my best friend" I say running my hand through my hair and stepping away from him. "She kissed me. And I was telling the truth when I said I love you" he says coming closer. "Stay there" I say putting my hand out. "Please Ronnie" he says, clearly getting annoyed. "I'm sorry Archie is the fact that I'm upset my boyfriend kissed my best friend annoying you?" I ask crossing my arms. "Yes Ronnie it is. Because I'm telling you that it didn't mean a thing and if you could get that into your thick skull you'd see that" he says loudly. I scoff "thick skull? Are you serious right now" I ask getting louder just like him. "Yes I am serious. You're really blowing this out of proportion, like always!" He shoots back. "I can't believe you think I'm being dramatic about this, you can just kiss Betty and think I'll be okay with it. Honestly I'm not surprised you're last girlfriend dumped you, considering if this is how you treated her" I say, not backing down. "So what? You're gonna break up with me again? Still too emotionally stunted?" He asks. That felt like a punch in the gut. "I can't believe you just said that to me" I say shaking my head. "Well you heard it didn't you? Ronnie I don't think you're actually mad about the kiss. I think you've been waiting for me to mess up so you can break up with me and move on to the next guy" he says angrily. My mouth hangs open slightly in surprise and my arms drop down to my sides. I can feel tears start to well in my eyes but I refuse to let them fall, at least not till I leave. His face falls and he realizes what he just said to me. "Ronnie I-" he starts and steps closer to me. "No. Don't, Archie. You've made yourself very clear" I say grabbing my jacket and put it on and walk to the door. "No Ronnie please don't leave" he says following me. He sounds as if he's about to cry, just like me. But I ignore it. I grab the door nob and pull it open, I turn and look at him and choke out "I wish I had never left New York, and definitely wish I never walked into Pops that day. Because what you said, was probably the worst thing anyone has said to me. Ever" I say finally letting a tear fall, and then walking out the door.

The present (still Veronica's POV)
I shake my head, as if it will erase the memory like an etch a sketch. My phone dings, signaling that I have a text and I groan.

Kevin: are you coming today?

He's the only person I told about last night. I called him during the walk home, crying. I was almost impossible to understand but he did it. He stayed on the phone with me until I fell asleep.

Veronica: I have to

I get up and go to get ready. This is going to be a long day.

After I'm ready I walk into the living room, not wanting to deal with my parents. "Hey mija. Is Archie walking you today?" My mom asks, I try to hide my emotions at hearing his name. "Nope. I was actually wondering if I could drive myself. You know with the car that's supposed to be mine but Andre drives me around in?" I say giving them my iconic 'please mommy and daddy' smile. They look at each other and my dad smirks a bit. "Okay Mija, you can have the car" he says standing to get me the keys. "Yay thank you" I say walking to him. He places the keys in my hand and I give him a kiss on the cheek. "I should get going" I say walking to the door. "Have a good day" I say closing the door behind me.

As I drive to school the joy I had for getting the car is gone, and replaced by how nervous I am to see Archie. I pull into the parking lot and I see Kevin walking down the side walk. I slow the car and roll down the window "Hey Kev" I shout. "No way" he says looking at the car. He walks to the car door and sits inside and rolls the window up. "This is how you're coping" he asks raising an eye brow. "Nope. Didn't work" I say driving to find a parking spot. "I'm sorry V" he says giving me a sympathetic smile. I nod and park. I turn the car off and look at him and say "Let's go."

Archie's POV
I'm standing outside of the student lounge waiting for Veronica to walk in the doors of the school. I said terrible things to her last night, I completely understand why she wishes she never met me. She deserves much better than me, someone who doesn't kiss her best friend 2 seconds after they 'break up'. I see Veronica walk in the school with Kevin and we make eye contact. She looks up at Kevin and he looks at me, clearly pissed. I walk over to her and she looks like she'd rather see anyone else right now. "Can we talk Ronnie" I ask, desperate for her to say yes. "Not gonna happen ginger Judas" Kevin says extremely protective of her. "Chill Kev. We can talk later" she says before walking away. I exhale deeply and Kevin walks past me to follow Veronica. I run my hand through my hair and head into the lounge, and sit in the chair across from the couch, where Ronnie is sitting. Reggie and Josie are in the middle of a conversation while Ronnie is staring down at her shoes, "right V?" Josie asks, pulling her into the conversation. "Huh?" She asks snapping out of her trance. "You Okay?" Reggie asks laughing. "Yeah. Just tired. I'm gonna go" She says. Standing up and leaving, giving no one time to ask questions. "I'll go" I say standing up and following her out. "Ronnie" I yell down the hallway, being grateful that they're empty. "Leave me alone" she says rushing into a empty room. I follow her into the empty room and I close the door and pull the blinds. "Are you okay" I ask stepping closer. "Oh yeah. So good" she says sarcastically. "Please talk to me" I plead, stepping closer. "I'm still talked out from last night" she says stepping back a bit. "Ronnie what I said wasn't true. I'm a jerk. I know that and I'm so so sorry" I say. "I can't just forget the things you said, Arch" She says looking at me. "I know. I'm not asking you to. But Ronnie we can't just break up over this, I love you and you love me. We can't just walk away from that" I say stepping closer to her, but she doesn't step back this time. "Please Ronnie" I say cupping her face. She closes her eyes and holds the hem of my shirt between her fingers. A small gesture, but it means something. "Don't leave me. I love you" I whisper, begging her not to break up with me. She sighs and opens her eyes again and looks at me. "Fine. But it's gonna take time for me to completely trust you again" she says moving her hands from my shirt to holding my wrists, which are still cupping her face. "That's all I want. I'll wait, as long as we can still be together" I say. She nods "yeah we're still together." I smile at her and wrap her in a hug and she hugs me back. "I missed you" I say kissing her head. "We never even actually broke up" she said with a small laugh. "I know, but I still felt like I lost you" I say resting my chin on her head. She pulls away and cups my face in her hands and says "you never will."

This is a 1 parter, hope you liked it! I might update again tonight, we'll see!

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